- This challenge was met by creating a playwright project written in typescript
- The project was uploaded to a github repo, you can clone it using the following link:(https://github.com/MohamedAshElbehery/fastTrack-casino-playwright.git) or by ssh: [email protected]:MohamedAshElbehery/fastTrack-casino-playwright.git
- The project aims to test an online casino functionalities like login, signup, deposit and playing a game
- The project was organized to follow the POM: Page object model practice for code maintainability and avoid repetition
- tests folder: containing the tests
- pages folder: containing each page class with their locators & functions to be used later on in the test
- App.ts: this file has instances of all the pages to be used in any test to avoid repeating code or importing various pages
- I used relative xpath's in locating the elements in a good practice and not using absolute xpath's
- git commands like: git clone, git push and git pull was used here, staging commits and committing them was done through vscode
- I configured the project timeouts to be long in the playwright.config.ts file
- video folder: containing the tests running and a pom video which explains how was the practice applied in the project
** Thank you for this challenge, talk to you soon :) **