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Non of the existing UI frameworks/philosophies - MVC, MVVM, MVU etc. - fulfills all of the following requirements:

  • allow creation/maintenance of the actual UI by a non-programmer completely
  • separate properly between code that serves only UI specifics (for example, expanding/collapsing a treenode or a panel, or defining what selection means in a given context) from code that has to do with the domain directly or indirectly (eg, calls to a server)

Enable process


Two roles (may be assumed by the same person, or each by multiple, does not matter):

  • UX: a designer who knows HTML, CSS and has a little bit of understanding for declarative scripting
  • DEV: a programmer/Developer

New Project Flow

assumption: user stories/specs are given and clear to everyone involved

  1. DEV und UX agree which outputs and COMMANDs the model will expose. After this step, they will each work completely separately and independently.
  2. DEV works on the model, exposing outputs and COMMANDs; UX creates HTML/CSS, with all the moveable parts
  3. once both are done, the whole thing works

Existing Project Flow

Typical scenarios:

  • a form should be split into a wizard/step by step thing: doable completely by UX
  • a list should be made client-side pageable: doable completely by UX
  • a textbox for input of tags should offer client-side auto-completion: DEV adjusts model to expose an output "AllAvailableTags"; UX can do all the rest
  • a list which so far allowed only single selections and certain actions on the selected item, should switch to multiple selection: DEV adjusts all COMMANDs to take list arguments instead of single arguments; UX can do all the rest

Model outputs

data the model exposes; can be bound from the UI, never changed; if it updates in the model, it updates in the UI automatically

UI variables

declared in the UI; written only by other UI declarations; read only by other UI declarations; serve for stuff like "selectedItem(s)"

commands and arguments

commands are exposed by model only; are async by default/always; may have parameters; never have a return value; UI can call a command and pass in arguments referring to UI variables (or constants)


declared in the UI and invoked from the UI only

general properties

  • SPA always
  • UX never interacts with JS or any other programming language; only with declarative syntax, DSL for them
  • DEV can choose whatever language they want: JS, TS, WebAssembly (C#, F#, whatever); if language-specific adapters are necessary to enable support, so be it
  • UI declarations must be completely doable by UX
  • all UI logic (outputs, variables, actions, calling of commands) is hot-reloadable (and, of course, CSS, too), so UX can work the way they usually like to
  • UI components: have no model, are written by DEV, used only by UX; add new declaration elements usable by UX
  • template components: have no model, encapsulate a combination of existing HTML, CSS, declaration elements, are written and used by UX only
  • ability to easily create mock model for UX: ideally, doable by somewhat more advanced UX
  • debugging support for UX
    • easily switch to mock model -> try if problem still present? -> no: problem is in model implementation, forward issue to DEV
    • enable debug output that writes to console what is happening in terms of declaration calls
  • UX can define client-side routes, pages without DEV support
  • out-of-the-box commands for calling APIs, for OAuth authentication, for passing OAuth tokens with API calls
  • ability to wrap existing UI components from 3rd-party for use by UX


  • Todo App
  • single selection vs multiple selection
  • tag auto-completion client-side
  • tag auto-completion server-side
  • paging
  • trigger commands via keyboard shortcuts, alternatively to buttons
  • split one view/page into multiple
  • login/logout flow with protected views/pages
  • ?how to wrap existing datetimepicker?


  • typedeclaration for model-properties, if denoting primitives like string or boolean, mean the UI-relevant type; ie, an id property may be a long or a Guid or whatever in code, but in the UI can have the type none, meaning it's not going to be displayed at all, or it could have string meaning it will be displayed as text etc.


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