BungeeBan is a fully customizable and easy to use BungeeCord plugin which manages your punishments.
BungeeBan packs a lot of useful features which makes it superiour to most of the other BungeeCord ban plugins.
- Easy to use and configure
- BungeeBan stores the bans in MySQL
- Full UUID Support
- Fully configurable broadcasts
- Ban your players on the proxy so you don't need to put this plugin on all of your servers
- Fully configurable messages and prefix
- Report system included
- Kick system included
- Warn system included
- The plugin automatically checks for updates so you are allways up to date
- Custom ban and mute commands which allows the user full customizability of the commands
- The plugin includes a big and documented API which you can use to develop extensions
- Edit the plugin to your likings by editing the source
- BungeeCord server
- Stable MySQL Server/Connection with a database and a user with login who has permission to write and read from the database
- BungeeCord permissionssystem like BungeePerms
- Little knowledge about MySQL(phpmyadmin etc.) and knowledge about BungeeCord permissions. (All is explained at the installation page, but if you have problems contact me on [email protected].
If you are a developer yourself you can edit the plugin or use the API. You can find both in the navbar. How easy the API is is shown here:
UUID uuid = BungeeBan.getUniqueID("Vincii");
long end = BungeeBan.getBanEnd(uuid);
System.out.println("Vinci is banned untill " + end + "!");