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Calling Android functions from Qt without using JNI

It is a fork of the Quick Android project that aims to provide a library to access Android functions from Qt/QML without using JNI.

Remarks: This project only support gradle build system.


  1. SystemDispatcher - A message queue for C++/Qt and Java/Android
  2. Send message in C++, receive in Java and vice versa.
  3. Data type will be converted automatically (e.g QMap <-> java.util.Map). No need to write in JNI.
  4. It could be used to write your own Java code
  5. Bundled Components
  6. Image Picker
  7. Toast
  8. Video Picker
  9. SMS Inbox reader (via Util component)
  10. make a phone call, makeCall (via Util component)
  11. sharing content using ACTION_SEND (via Share component)
  12. Querying and Handling of GPS Settings (via Util component)
  13. Wrapper of android.os.Environment / android.os.Debug / MediaScannerConnection


  1. Environment::getExternalStoragePublicDirectory()
  2. MediaScannerConnection::scanFile()
  3. Debug::getNativeHeapSize()
  4. Debug::getNativeHeapAllocatedSize()

The functions above do not require to config gradle before using.

QML Components

    import AndroidNative 1.0
  1. ImagePicker
  2. VideoPicker
  3. Toast
  4. Util
  5. Share


SystemDispatcher is a message queue component for delivering action message between C++/QML and Java. Data type in message is converted to the target platform automatically (e.g QMap <-> java.util.Map) . So that user doesn't need to write JNI to access their Java functions.

Moreover, SystemDispatcher is compilable on a non-Android platform. It doesn't cause any trouble to run on your development host.

// C++ Example

#include <AndroidNative>

// Load a Java class. It will trigger the code within `static` block

QVariantMap message;
message["value1"] = 1;
message["value2"] = 2.0;
message["value3"] = "3";

// Dispatch a message
SystemDispatcher::instance()->dispatch("androidnative.example.dummyAction", message);

// QML Example

import AndroidNative 1.0

Item {

  Component.onCompleted: {
    var message = {
      value1: 1,
      value2: 2.0,
      value3: "3"
    SystemDispatcher.dispatch("androidnative.example.dummyAction", message);
// Java Receiver

public class ExampleService {

    static {

        SystemDispatcher.addListener(new SystemDispatcher.Listener() {

            public void onDispatched(String type , Map message) {

                if (type.equals("androidnative.example.dummyAction")) {
                    // Process then dispatch a response back to C++/QML                    

// Listen from QML

Connections {
  target: SystemDispatcher
  onDispatched: {
    // process the message

Supported data type:

Qt Java
int int
bool boolean
QString String
QVariantList List
QVariantMap Map

Sharing Example

import AndroidNative 1.0 as AN

AN.Share {
        id: an

Button {
    text: "Share"

    onClicked: {
    // Please refer to:
    // for details and usage of parameters.
    // if any of urls , uris or texts is specifed ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE is invoked.
    // note if remote url is specified via 'url' , the file/url is fecthed from the network.
    // and the content is shared.
             an.shareContent(  {
                 //  mime_type: 'image/*'
                 // , uri: single_uri
                 // , text:  "This is a sample TEXT for sharing"
                 // , html_text:  "This is a sample <b>HTML</b> for sharing"
                 // , subject:  "This is a sample SUBJECT for sharing"
                 // , package: "com.whatsapp"
                 // , url: ""
                 // , uris: imageuris
                 // , texts:  [ "This is a sample TEXT for sharing" , "Text 2" ]
                 //, html_texts:  [ "This is a sample <b>HTML</b> for sharing" , "<b>HTML2</b>" ]
                 // , urls: [
                 //   "",
                 //   ""
                 //, url : ""            }  );

Installation Instruction

androidnative.pri/ at master · benlau/androidnative.pri


An example program is available at: androidnative.pri/examples/androidnativeexample at master · benlau/androidnative.pri

example1.png (533×472)


Calling Android functions from Qt without using JNI







No packages published


  • Java 63.6%
  • C++ 23.6%
  • QML 10.6%
  • QMake 1.6%
  • Shell 0.6%