Angular directive that works with the Mapbox forward geocoding API.
This Angular JS directive uses the Mapbox forward geocoding API to allow your users to obtain a specific geolocation based on query input.
First and foremost, you need to have a working Mapbox API token.
Make sure that the angular-mapbox-forward-geolocation.js file is included in your HTML page.
<script src="angular.js"></script>
<script src="angular-mapbox-forward-geolocation.js"></script>
Make sure you include the mapbox-forward-geo dependency on your Angular module:
angular.module('app', ['mapbox-forward-geo']);
You MUST pass your apiToken to the directive.
<mapbox-forward-geocoding api-token="YOURAPITOKENGOESHERE"></mapbox-forward-geocoding>
If you just want the query results returned (so you can use them however you want)... you can pass an array variable to the directive via the query-results attribute.
<mapbox-forward-geocoding query-results="results" api-token="YOURAPITOKEN"></mapbox-forward-geocoding>
Use $watchCollection in the given controller to be notified when the given array is updated.
// spit it out to the console
Auto-suggest is enabled by default. This provides the user with suggestions based on his/her query. If the user clicks one of these suggestions, the geolocation information can be captured by passing an object to the directive via the selected-location attribute.
<mapbox-forward-geocoding selected-location="addressSelection" api-token="YOURAPITOKEN"></mapbox-forward-geocoding>
Use $watchCollection in the given controller to be notified when the given object is updated.
// spit it out to the console
This directive can be customized by passing an options object via the options attribute.
<mapbox-forward-geocoding selected-location="addressSelection" options="{autoSuggest: false}" api-token="YOURAPITOKEN"></mapbox-forward-geocoding>
- placeHolderText - Customizes the placeholder text in the input box.
- minLength - Customize how many characters must be provided before querying the Mapbox API. The default is 4.
- minLengthErrorText - Customizes the error text displayed whenever a user attempts to submit a search that does not meet the minimum length requirements. If you include %N% in your string, the directive will replace %N% with the value of minLength.
- displayProperty - Specify which property from the Mapbox API you want displayed in the auto-suggest results. The default is place_name.
- excludeEntriesWithNoPlaceName - Whether or not to include results that do not have a value for place_name. The default is false.
- autoSuggest - Whether or not to provide suggestions based on a user input. The default is true.
- emptyPropertyText - Customize the text used whenever the directive encounters an empty value for the displayProperty. The default is (empty property)
- includeThisKeyword - This option allows you to provide a keyword that will be injected into query (unless it already exists). This is an attempt to provide a more meaningful result set relative to your app's primary focus.
Here is an example of passing in an options object defined in your controller.
angular.module('myModule').controller('AppCtrl', ['$scope',
function($scope) {
$scope.myOptions = {
placeHolderText: 'Enter an address, zip, or state',
minLengthErrorText: 'Please enter at least %N% character(s).',
displayProperty: 'id',
excludeEntriesWithNoPlaceName: true,
autoSuggest: false,
emptyPropertyText: '(value was empty)',
minLength: 6,
includeThisKeyword: 'California'
And then in your HTML...
<mapbox-forward-geocoding selected-location="addressSelection" options="myOptions" api-token="YOURAPITOKEN"></mapbox-forward-geocoding>