Python3 script to extract assignment files from submission folder and structure them to be used for Plagiarism checking using JPLAG
- Place the script in the directory containing students submission directory (most probably it will be the downloads directory)
- To run use the following commands in the terminal (assuming submission directory is in downloads) #cd Downloads #python3 "Directory_Name"
- The script will make another directory using the folder name and suffix "Scrapped" in the current directory containing directory for each students and their submissions
- The script take cares for submissions made using .zip files and .txt files
- The script is written on the basis of personal requirements so you may need some little tweaks to get on the road
- For now it works well for python programming assignments
- The code is not documented (sorry for that) due to lack of time.
- Exceptions may occur, you are requested to report them on my email :)