21 commits
to development
since this release
What's Changed
based on race condition work for HPC mirroring deployment:
- change exchangeSplit to base hash on path by @petersilva in #191 (for better suppression of non-final rm's.)
- fix #179 unset env vars evaluate to empty string by @petersilva in #180 (so ${JOBID} works without crashing any jobs.)
other fixes:
- Make generate_syscall_code work on Ubuntu by @reidsunderland in #181
- Add realpath_post_baseDir for #140 by @reidsunderland in #186 (improved mirror coverage.)
- Issue111 5 code cleanups that do not solve any problems, but perhaps prevent undiscoverred ones. by @petersilva in #184
- Issue140 2 misc documentation fixes by @petersilva in #182
- remove copy_file_range (eliminates seg fault on many systems.) by @petersilva in #183
Full Changelog: v3.24.11...v3.24.12rc1
from source, see https://github.com/MetPX/sarrac
packages available:
Ubuntu PPA: https://code.launchpad.net/~ssc-hpc-chp-spc/+archive/ubuntu/metpx-pre-release
(coming soon) Redhat 8 and 9 RPMS attached.