v3.24.10 manageable in ops main pumps
71 commits
to development
since this release
HPC Mirroring further improvements (shim library syscall coverage, also added "remove" libc entry point.)
In deploying to main data pumps, we saw that while the application code itself was fine, incompatibilities with the sr3 cli caused things like sr3 sanity and sr3 status to restart C instances every 10 minutes or so, and the log files were not being cleaned up. This version cleans up those issues. Should be fully usable now.
- Shim Library gets remove() and many syscall() entry points. More use cases for redhat 8 (HPC.)
- fixes so that sr3 management ui manages sr3_cpump/sr3_cpost better/properly.
- removal of old logs (post rotation, keeping the total number down.)
What's Changed
- the fix for >100 instances does not understand C component instances.… by @petersilva in #161
- Issue158 - adding layer to remove old logs. by @petersilva in #160
- fix #157... print an idle message when nothing happenning by @petersilva in #159
- Issue #153 and #143 - include host.inc not found, and blank datestamps by @petersilva in #162
- Add more syscalls by @reidsunderland in #165
- Fix #164 : add remove by @reidsunderland in #166
Full Changelog: v3.24.07...v3.24.10
from source, see https://github.com/MetPX/sarrac
packages available:
Ubuntu PPA: https://code.launchpad.net/~ssc-hpc-chp-spc/+archive/ubuntu/metpx
Redhat 8 and 9 RPMS attached.