v3.24.07 - Catches More Events on RedHat 8
101 commits
to development
since this release
What's Changed
- fix #154 rename ignored when one end is outside tree being watched with inotify.
- Handle renameat2 on RHEL 8 and systems with glibc < 2.28 by @reidsunderland in #147
- Issue148 - posting corrupt topic header in rare case (but common in tests.) by @petersilva in #149
- get Redhat tree copies working by @petersilva in #151
- More fixes for #145 by @reidsunderland in #152
- Issue154 by @petersilva in #155
New Contributors
- @reidsunderland made their first contribution in #147
Full Changelog: v3.24.02...v3.24.07
from source, see https://github.com/MetPX/sarrac
packages available:
Ubuntu PPA: https://launchpad.net/~ssc-hpc-chp-spc/+archive/ubuntu/metpx
Redhat 8 RPMS attached.