156 commits
to development
since this release
What's Changed
- fix #109 non blocking message checks, with separate sleep, so houskee… by @petersilva in #123
- fixes #118 management of metrics dir and files by @petersilva in #119
- when config is not found, say where you looked by @petersilva in #124
- on #109 consumer connection recovery was broken. by @petersilva in #129
- fix for #127... status core dump by @petersilva in #128
- fix to match sarra issue #639 relative sftp links by @petersilva in #131
- when used as shovel/winnow, it constantly re-declares the queue. by @petersilva in #132
- fix #136 last sent stats by @petersilva in #137
- Issue133 - accepting non string headers. by @petersilva in #139
- Issue141 2nd try by @petersilva in #144
Full Changelog: v3.23.11...v3.24.02
from source, see https://github.com/MetPX/sarrac
packages available:
Ubuntu PPA: https://launchpad.net/~ssc-hpc-chp-spc/+archive/ubuntu/metpx
Redhat 8 RPMS attached.