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An easy way to have your settings managed for you in Wordpress.

This class can draw a Options page for setting your settings and provides get and set functions (built on top of the Wordpress get and set functions) for setting and getting your settings. You simply provide an array containing your settings and away you go.

You can get or set the value of any option as if it was a variable of the class. For example:

$settings = new WPSettings($options);
// Get option value
echo $settings->my_option;
// Set option value
$settings->my_option = 'new value';
// Print the settings page
// Add a admin wordpress submenu for the options page
add_submenu_page('myPlugin', 'My Plugin Options',
		'Options', 'manage_options', 'myPluginOptions',
		array($settings, 'printOptions'));


To use, simply include the WPSettings.php in your PHP script and create an instance of the WPSettings class as in the example above.

You can then use the created instance to access and set options and also print the settings page using the printOptions function as shown above.

Specifying Settings

The settings are specified in an array, $options that is passed to WPSettings on construction. The $options array contains the WPSettings options and an associative array containing sections, each one of those containing an associative array containing the settings in that section.

WPSettings Options ($options)

The following options are available (bold options are required):

  • 'title' - The title of your options page.
  • 'id' - An id used as the sections id and page id.
  • 'prefix' - If set, it will be added to the start of each setting name.
  • 'settings' - The associative array containing the settings broken into sections.
  • 'useTabs' - If true, each section will be separated into its own tab.

If the option prefix is set, the prefix will be prefixed to the start of the option variable name in the wordpress options table.

Sections ($options['settings'])

Wordpress separates settings into sections. These sections can be used to group settings. If the useTabs option is set, the sections will be displayed in their own tab in the settings page.

$options['settings'] must contain an associative array of the different sections of settings. Each section should have a unique array key and be an associative array containing the following options (bold options are required):

  • 'title' - The title of the settings section.
  • 'fields' - The associative array containing the settings in this section.

Settings ($options['settings'][$section]['fields'])

$options['settings'][$section]['fields'] must contain an associative array of the settings in the section. Each setting should have a unique array key (that unique across all settings) and be an associative array containing the following options (bold options are required):

  • 'title' - The title of the setting.
  • 'description' - A description of the setting. Will be placed below the field.
  • 'type' - The type of setting. Can be either:
    • 'internal' - Only for internal use - won't be added to the edit options screen.
    • 'folder' - A folder.
      • 'text' - A text field.
      • 'formatted' - A large, formatted text field.
      • 'number' - A number.
      • 'boolean' - True or false (a checkbox).
      • 'select' - One (or more) of the given options (see below).
      • 'dimensions' - A width and a height.
      • 'multiple' - a group of fields.
      • 'selectMultiple' - a group of fields that will depend on a value selected
  • 'default' - The default value of the settings
    • If 'type' is 'boolean', 'default' must be either true or false
    • If 'type' is 'select', 'default' must be a key of the 'values' array.
    • If 'type' is 'dimensions', 'default' must be either an associative array (array('width' => w, 'height' => h)) or an array (array(w, h)) containing the width and height.
    • If 'type' is 'multiple', 'default' will be ignored.
    • If 'type' is 'number', 'default' must be a number
    • Otherwise, 'default' should be a string
  • ''values' - If 'type' is 'select', this must be an array containing possible values for the settings. If the array is associative, the keys will be used as the option values and the values used as the option labels.
  • 'base' - If 'type' is 'folder', should contain a relative folder path to a folder inside the sites root folder.
  • 'multiple' - (true|false) If 'type' is 'multiple' and this is set to true, multiple groups of value will be able to be stored.
  • 'fields' - If 'type' is 'multiple', must contain an array like $options['settings'][$section]['fields']. If 'type' is 'selectMultiple', *must contain an array like $options['settings']. The fields in $options['settings'][$value]['fields'] will be displayed if $value is selected.
  • 'label' - If 'type' is 'multiple' and 'multiple' is set to true, if this is set, one group will be visible at one time and the user will be able to switch between them using a select box. The value must a key of one of the fields in 'fields' to be used as the label to groups of fields.
  • 'check' - Function to be used to sanitize to value submitted. Will be passed the value as a single argument and should return the sanitised value.
  • 'get' - Function to be used to get the current value of the option.

$options Array Example

Below is an example (from wp-gallery-hierarchy) of what an settings array should look like:

$options = array(
    'title' => __('Gallery Hierarchy Options', 'gallery_hierarchy'), // The title of your options page
    'id' => 'gHOptions', // The section and other ids for the settings
		'prefix' => 'gh_', // If set, it will prefixed to any option accessed or set as a variable
    'settings' => array( // The array containing the settings sections
		    'gHFolders' => array( // A settings section
				    'title' => __('Folder Options', 'gallery_hierarchy'), // The title of the settings section
    				'fields' => array( // The fields in the settings section
		    				'folder' => array( // The id of the setting
				    				'title' => __('Image Folder', 'gallery_hierarchy'), // The title of the setting
						    		'description' => __('This should be a relative path ' // The description of the setting
    										. 'inside of wp-content to a folder containing your '
		    								. 'images.', 'gallery_hierarchy'),
				    				'type' => 'folder', // The type of setting, can be folder, text, number, boolean, select or dimensions
						    		'default' => 'gHImages' // The default value for the setting
						    		'values' => array('value1' => 'Value 1', 'value2' => 'Value 2') // If this setting was of type select, this would contain the options to select from
			    			'cache_folder' => array(
					    			'title' => __('Cache Image Folder', 'gallery_hierarchy'),
							    	'description' => __('This should be a relative path '
									    	. 'inside of wp-content to a folder that will be '
    										. 'used to store images created by Gallery '
		    								. 'Hierarchy, including thumbnails.',
						    		'type' => 'folder',
		    						'default' => 'gHCache'
		    'gHThumbnails' => array(
				    'title' => __('Thumbnail Options', 'gallery_hierarchy'),
    				'fields' => array(
		    				'thumbnail_size' => array(
				    				'title' => __('Thumbnail Dimensions',
								    'description' => __('Size to make the thumbnails.',
		    						'type' => 'dimensions',
				    				'default' => array(200, 150) // The default width, height for a setting of type dimension
    						'crop_thumbnails' => array(
		    						'title' => __('Crop Thumbnails', 'gallery_hierarchy'),
				    				'description' => __('If this option is selected, the '
						    				. 'image will be cropped so that if fills the entire '
								    		. 'thumbnail.', 'gallery_hierarchy'),
    								'type' => 'boolean',
		    						'default' => false


An easy way to have your settings managed for you







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