My Neovim IDE setup.
Note: For the old COC related setup, please checkout the with-coc
handling- Incremental and smart case search.
- Trailing whitespace highlighting and cleaning shortcut
- Logical and Visual layout (for Right-To-Left languages) editing
- Tabs expand to 4 spaces by default, 2 spaces for specific file types
- Remap
- Highlight current row and color column 80
- Syntax checking and completion via language servers
- Quotes, parens etc pair, surround
- Various fuzzy finders with Telescope
- Git plugins (Fugitive, gitsigns)
- Completion and snippets via LSP
- Commenting
- which-key integration
Some are leading to operations, marked as bold Which-key will list them.
Key | Command |
jj |
<Esc> in insert and command modes |
<Leader> |
<Leader>v |
Load .vimrc |
<Leader>V |
Activate changes to .vimrc (Make sure to save it before) |
<Leader>S |
Remove trailing whitespace |
<CTRL>hjkl |
Window movement commands |
<CTRL>arrow |
Resize splits |
<TAB> |
trigger completion, completion confirm, snippet expand and jump |
<Leader>f |
Find files, buffers and grep operations |
<Leader>l |
LSP (programming) related operations |
<Leader>g |
Git related operations |
<Leader>t |
Tree operations |
<Leader>b |
Bidi (Right to left) related operations |
K |
Show documentation/signature hover (LSP) |
<Leader>e |
Show error under cursor (LSP) |
[d |
Previous error |
]d |
Next error |
- Neovim and Neovim Python client.
- For faster search, ripgrep
- NodeJS (for some language servers)
The following commands will clone the repo, and install vim-plug
mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim
git clone ~/.config/nvim
After that start Neovim and install the desired language servers, e.g: