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Custom Types

Jacob edited this page Sep 8, 2019 · 1 revision

Custom Types are images that you create yourself.
Throw them in ParticleHats/types and run /h reload to load them on your server.
If you're using a MySQL database they you'll need to run /h type add <type> to add them to your database

Example Image

Vampire Wings

Note: This image is scaled up 2000%, Don't try to load this into your plugin.


  • Images are centered based on their size
  • The color (r: 255, g: 0, b: 255) is ignored. Use this color as your image's background color. (Like the example above)
  • If you use the REDSTONE particle effect, each particle will use the pixels color
  • If a pixel is white and you are using the REDSTONE particle effect, you can blend the two colors together
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