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Checks' Components

German Vekhorev edited this page Aug 25, 2021 · 13 revisions


In order to make everything smooth and not too cumbersome we've combined many "small" checks into a few "big" ones. For example, Reflex's single KillAura check includes a variety of "sub-checks" that share some data and the number of violations per player (for instance, the bots flying around — "forcefield", high reach/angle offsets detection — "hitbox", etc.). We call these "sub-checks" components.


The components system allows us to implement very handy stuff like disabling certain "sub-checks" while keeping other parts of a check working. For example, if you wish to disable the ka.drn component of the KillAura check, you add this component's name into killaura.disabled_checks list in the config, like so:

    - "ka.drn"

Although just disabling a component that you think is broken is simpler than contacting us, we still encourage you to report any bugs you have so that we fix them, rather than silently toggle parts of the anticheat off.

Available components

The best way to see what you want to toggle is to look at Reflex's verbose messages. They all contain a comp: NAME part close to the end of them, where NAME is the name of the component that caused the flag. Here we'll also provide the full list of components Reflex has, with some short information regarding each of them. The [LEGACY] tag means that the component is outdated and will be removed in the future.

This list is based on release 11.3-5-27732ae. Other versions' lists may differ.

For more detailed info about what each component does and how it works, see Reflex advanced configuration file.



(currently disabled, WIP) vel.act — Checks horizontal velocity by knocking players back for a tiny random distance when they have any inventories open.

(currently disabled, WIP) vel.adr — Restricts midair movement direction changes.

vel.hrz — Checks horizontal velocity in combat.

vel.vtl — Checks vertical velocity in combat.


ka.acr — Checks rotation accuracy during combat.

ka.ab — Detects packet AutoBlock.

ka.blc — Checks rotation balance during combat.

ka.cbd — Listens what all other components think about the player and checks for violation density.

ka.clk — Checks for unnatural clicks, detects some "clicking-related" cheats/mouse-extensions/mods.

ka.fts — Detects multiaura (forbids to attack more than one entity at a time).

ka.ffd — Places many invisible and one visible ("live") "bots" (fake players) near players during combat. Weeds out many old and/or bad hacked clients without a proper AntiBot.

ka.heu — Collects combat behavior data of a player for a quite long period of time, then passes it to a pre-trained neural network that tells whether the player is cheating or not, and how likely. Detects most killaura and aimbot cheats.

ka.imp — Detects normally impossible hits (e.g. when blocking, eating, or sleeping).

ka.pts — Checks player's movement direction during combat.

ka.ray — Raycasts players' attacks to ensure they are mechanically valid, thus acting as a combination of Reach+Angle (Hitbox), Block Raytrace and Entity Raytrace checks (uses packet NPCs for the latter).

ka.ra — Combines several techniques to detect KillAuras that give cheaters significant advantage.

ka.pod — Checks raw packet order and delay during combat.

ka.yrt — Checks for impossible rotations (instant).

ka.yst — Checks for impossible rotations (based on statistics recorded for a period of time).

Criticals — Checks for illegal Y motion during attacks (plain-old Packet Criticals).


InvActions — Restricts movement with open inventory.

NOTE: this check contains some more components. The others are listed in section "Player".


vehmv.boat — Monitors players' movement in vehicles, detects hacks such as BoatFly and BoatSpeed.

ElytraMove — Monitors player's movement with elytras, detects and blocks cheats like ElytraFly/Elytra+/ElytraSpeed.



badpcks.inv — Detects invalid movement packets.

badpcks.ign — Prevents some Blink and Freecam cheats. Does not add any violations.

badpcks.spf[LEGACY — No longer needed due to Reflex's new Lag Points system] Detects ping spoofing cheats.

badpcks.ris — Checks how players interact with their inventories.

badpcks.rrn — Detects invalid rotation packets.


invact.civ — Detects some AutoArmor and ChestStealer cheats.

invact.fiv — Monitors and limits inventory-clicking/chest-looting rates. Prevents cheaters from using too blatant ChestStealer/AutoLoot hacks.

NOTE: this check contains some more components. The others are listed in section "Movement".

ClientControl — Manages players' client modifications and client type (Vanilla, Forge, ...).



blckact.sfd — Detects ScaffoldWalk. — Detects Tower.