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Requirements Model

AmeliaWen edited this page Oct 3, 2020 · 20 revisions

1. Functional Requirements

ID Requirements
FR1 The art gallery system shall allow users to create their own by registration 95% of the time.
FR2 The art gallery system shall allow artists to upload their art pieces for sale 95% of the time.
FR3 The art gallery system shall allow customers to browse and purchase art pieces.
FR4 The art gallery system shall be able to promote artwork available on users’ premises.
FR5 The art gallery system shall allow artists to deliver their art to their customers by mail.
FR6 The art gallery system shall allow customers to pick up their purchased art pieces at the store.
FR7 The art gallery system shall charge commission for the sold artwork.
FR8 The art gallery system shall allow users to login their own account using the email and password registered.
FR9 The art gallery system shall allow users to check the status (available, unavailable, purchased, pending, delivering) for all art pieces.
FR10 The art gallery system shall allow customers to cancel a purchase before payment.

2. Non-functional Requirements

ID Requirements
NFR1 The art gallery system shall support at least 10 payments at the same time.
NFR2 The art gallery system shall load user’s profile within 5 seconds after request.
NFR3 The art gallery system shall be able to be familiarized by user within 15 minutes of reading the instruction.
NFR4 The art gallery system shall have less than 30min downtime per month.

3. Use case Diagram

UseCase Diagram

4. Detailed Specification for 5 most important use cases

Log in account -- Amelia

  • Use case: The art gallery system shall allow users to login their own account using the email and password registered.
  • Scenario: As a user, I want to be able to log into my account using the email address and password registered to interact with the relevant functions of the system.
  • Actor: User
  • Intention: The intention of the user is to log into his/her homepage to access the functions for the art gallery system.
  • Pre-condition: The user is on the login page and clicked the “login” button.
  • Step:
    1. User writes his/her email as an input
    2. User writes the correct password associated with the email account
    3. User clicks “Login” button.
    4. Art gallery system checks the database to cross reference with an existing email and password
    5. Art gallery system returns the result for this request.
  • Basic Path:
    1. User writes his/her email as an input
    2. User writes the correct password associated with the email account
    3. User clicks “Login” button.
    4. Art gallery system checks the database to cross reference with an existing email and password
    5. The email and passwords match an existing user stored in database; the system returns success.
    6. The system opens the homepage for this user, which includes user profile, promoted art pieces and purchase history.
  • Alternate/Exception path:
    • The user input wrong password for the first time, then clicked login button
      1. The system displays “wrong password” with the buttons “try again” and “forgot password”
      2. If the user clicked “try again”, the system will stay on the login page to allow user to enter email and password again.
      3. If the user clicked “forgot password”, the system will display the page for recovering password.
    • The user input wrong password for the second time, then clicked login button
      1. The system displays “wrong password” with the buttons “try again” and “forgot password”
      2. If the user clicked “try again”, the system will stay on the login page to allow user to enter email and password again.
      3. If the user clicked “forgot password”, the system will display the page for recovering password.
    • The user input wrong password from the third time, then clicked login button
      1. The system displays “wrong password” with display the page for recovering password.
    • The user input email that does not exist, then clicked login button
      1. The system displays “user does not exist” with the button “try again” and “create a new user”
      2. If the user clicked “try again”, the system will stay on login page to allow user to enter email and password again
      3. If the user clicked “create a new user”, the system will display the registration page for new user.
    • the user did not enter email/password
      1. The system displays a warning asking the user to fill in the blank.
  • Postcondition (success): The system displays the homepage for this user
  • Postcondition (failure):
    1. The system stays on this page waiting for the user to try again
    2. The system displays a warning asking the user to fill in the blank
    3. The system redirects the user to the recovering password page.
    4. The system redirects the user to the create new user page.