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RESTful Service Endpoints

Duan Linpei edited this page Nov 1, 2020 · 8 revisions


Request Type URL Method Description Input OutPut
Get api/addresses get addresses - Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Get api/address/{id} get address @PathVariable String id - The id of the address Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Post api/address create address @RequestParam("id")String id, @RequestParam("country")String country, @RequestParam("city")String city, @RequestParam("postcode")String postCode, @RequestParam("province")String province, @RequestParam("streetaddress")String streetaddress, @RequestParam("number")String number, @RequestParam("name")String name Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Put api/address/update update street address @PathVariable("id")String id - The id of the address, @RequestParam("address")String newaddress - new street address wants to update Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Delete api/address/{id} delete address @PathVariable String id - The id of the address Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500


Request Type URL Method Description Inputs Response
Get api/system/{id} Get system by id @PathVariable String id - The id of the system Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Post api/system/{id} Create system @PathVariable String id - The id of the new system Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Delete api/system/{id} Delete system @PathVariable String id - The id of the system Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Put api/system/setincome/{id} Update the income of the system @PathVariable String id - The id of the system
@RequestParam double income - The new income
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Put api/system/increaseincome/{id} Increase the income of the system @PathVariable String id - The id of the system
@RequestParam double incomeincrement - The increment of income
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Put api/system/adduser/{id} Add a user to the system @PathVariable String id - The id of the system
@RequestParam String userid - The id of the user to be added
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Put api/system/addartpiece/{id} Add an art piece to the system @PathVariable String id - The id of the system
@RequestParam String artpieceid - The id of the art piece to be added
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Put api/system/addpurchase/{id} Add a purchase to the system @PathVariable String id - The id of the system
@RequestParam String purchaseid - The id of the purchase to be added
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Put api/system/addaddress/{id} Add an address to the system @PathVariable String id - The id of the system
@RequestParam String addressid - The id of the address to be added
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500


Request Type URL Method Description Input OutPut
Get api/users Get all users - Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Get api/users/{name} Get user by name @PathVariable String name - The name of the user Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Post api/user Create user @RequestParam String name - The name of the user
@RequestParam String email - The email of the user
@RequestParam String password - The password of the user
@RequestParam String avatar - The avatar of the user
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Put api/user/updateEmail/{name} Update user email @PathVariable String name - The name of the user
@RequestParam String email - The new email of the user
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Put api/user/updatePassword/{name} Update user password @PathVariable String name - The name of the user
@RequestParam String password - The new password of the user
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Put api/user/updateAvatar/{name} Update user avatar @PathVariable String name - The name of the user
@RequestParam String avatar - The new avatar of the user
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Delete api/users/{name} Delete user @PathVariable String name - The name of the user Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500


Request Type URL Method Description Input OutPut
Get api/artPiece/artPieceList Get art pieces - Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Get api/artPiece/getArtPiece/{id} Get art piece by id @PathVariable String id - The id of the art piece Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Post api/artPiece/createArtPiece/{id} Create art piece @PathVariable String id - The id of the art piece
@RequestParam String name - the name of the art piece
@RequestParam String des - The description of the art piece
@RequestParam String author - The author of the art piece
@RequestParam double price - The price of the art piece
@RequestParam Date date - The date of the art piece
@RequestParam String status - The status of the art piece
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Put api/artPiece/updateArtPieceName/{id} Update name @PathVariable String id - The id of the art piece
@RequestParam String name - The new name of the art piece
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Put api/artPiece/updateArtPieceDes/{id} Update description @PathVariable String id - The id of the art piece
@RequestParam String des - The new description of the art piece
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Put api/artPiece/updateArtPiecePrice/{id} Update price @PathVariable String id - The id of the art piece
@RequestParam double price - The new price of the art piece
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Put api/artPiece/updateArtPieceStatus/{id} Update status @PathVariable String id - The id of the art piece
@RequestParam String status - The new status of the art piece
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Put api/artPiece/updateArtPieceAuthor/{id} Update author @PathVariable String id - The id of the art piece
@RequestParam String author - The new author of the art piece
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Delete api/artPiece/deleteArtPiece/{id} Delete art piece @PathVariable String id - The id of the art piece Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500


Request Type URL Method Description Input OutPut
Get api/artist/artistList Get artists - Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Get api/artist/getArtist/{id} Get artist by id @PathVariable String id - The id of the artist Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Post api/artist/createArtist{id} Create artist @PathVariable String id - The id of the artist
@RequestParam String user - The id of the user
@RequestParam double credit - The credit of the artist
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Put api/artist/updateCredit/{id} Update credit @PathVariable String id - The id of the artist
@RequestParam double credit - The new credit of the artist
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Delete api/artist/deleteArtist/{id} Delete artist @PathVariable String id - The id of the artist Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500


Request Type URL Method Description Input OutPut
Get api/customer/customerList Get customers - Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Get api/customer/customerList/{id} Get customer by id @PathVariable String id - The id of the customer Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Post api/customer/createCustomer/{id} Create customer @PathVariable String id - The id of the customer
@RequestParam user - The id of the user
@RequestParam double balance - The balance of the customer
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Put api/customer/updateBalance/{id} Update balance @PathVariabe String id - The id of the customer
@RequestParam double balance - The new balance of the customer
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Put api/customer/addAddress/{id} Add address @PathVariabe String id - The id of the customer
@RequestParam String adress - The id of the adding address
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Delete api/customer/deleteCustomer/{id} Delete customer @PathVariabe String id - The id of the customer Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500


Request Type URL Method Description Input OutPut
Get api/inStorePickUps/inStorPickUpList get instore pickups - Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Get api/inStorePickUp/inStorPickUpList/{pickUpReferenceNumber} get instore pickup by pickUpReferenceNumber @PathVariable("pickUpReferenceNumber") String pickUpReferenceNumber Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Post api/inStorePickUp/createInStorePickUp/{pickUpReferenceNumber} create instore pickup @RequestParam("deliveryid") String id,@RequestParam("pickUpReferenceNumber")String pickUpReferenceNumber
@RequestParam("inStorePickUpStatus")String status
@RequestParam("storeAddress")String storeAddress
@RequestParam("purchaseid")String purid
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Put api/inStorePickUp/updateinStorePickUpStatus/{pickUpReferenceNumber} update status @PathVariable("pickUpReferenceNumber")String pickUpReferenceNumber
@RequestParam("inStorePickUp")String newinStorePickUp--new status
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Delete api/inStorePickUp/deleteinStorePickUp/{pickUpReferenceNumber} delete instore pickup @PathVariable("pickUpReferenceNumber") String pickUpReferenceNumber Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500


Request Type URL Method Description Input OutPut
Get api/parcelDeliveries/parcelDeliveryList get parcel deliveries @PathVariable("trackingNumber")String trackingNumber Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Get api/parcelDelivery/parcelDelivery/{trackingNumber} get parcel delivery PathVariable & RequestParam Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Post api/parcelDelivery/createparcelDelivery/{trackingNumber} create parcel delivery @RequestParam("deliveryid")String deliveryid
@RequestParam("trackingNumber")String trackingNumber
@RequestParam("carrier")String carrier
@RequestParam("parcelDeliveryStatus")String status
@RequestParam("deliveryAddress")String deliveryAddress
@RequestParam("purchaseid")String purid
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Put api/parcelDelivery/updateparcelDelivery/{trackingNumber} update status @PathVariable("trackingNumber")String trackingNumber
@RequestParam("parcelDelivery")String newparcelDelivery--new status
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Delete api/parcelDelivery/deleteparcelDelivery/{trackingNumber} delete parcel delivery @PathVariable("trackingNumber") String trackingNumber Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500


Request Type URL Method Description Input OutPut
Get api/payments get payments - Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Get api/payments/{id} get payment @PathVariable String id - The id of the payment Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Post api/payment create payment @RequestParam("id")String id - id of the payment to be created, @RequestParam("method")String method - payment method, @RequestParam("success")String success, @RequestParam("purchaseid")String purchaseid - the id of related purchase Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Put api/payment/update/{id} update payment @PathVariable("id")String id - The id of the payment, @RequestParam("method")String method - the payment method to be updated Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Delete api/payments/{id} delete payment @PathVariable("id")String id - The id of the payment Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500


Request Type URL Method Description Inputs Response
Get api/purchases Get all purchases - Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Post api/purchase/{id} Create a new purchase @PathVariable String id - The id of the new purchase to be created
@RequestParam String status - The status of the new purchase (Successful, Failed, Cancelled, or Pending)
@RequestParam String date - The date of purchase (YYYY-MM-DD)
@RequestParam String artpieceid - The id of the art piece purchased
@RequestParam String customerid - The id of the customer who made the purchase
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Get api/purchase/{id} Get purchase by id @PathVariable String id - The id of the purchase Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Get api/purchasesbycustomer/{id} Get purchases made by a customer @PathVariable String id - The id of the customer Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Delete api/purchase/{id} Delete a purchase @PathVariable String id - The id of the purchase Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Put api/purchase/updatestatus/{id} Update the status of purchase @PathVariable String id - The id of the purchase
@RequestParam String status - The new status (Successful, Failed, Cancelled, or Pending)
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Put api/purchase/setparceldelivery/{id} Set up a parcel delivery @PathVariable String id - The id of the purchase
@RequestParam String deliveryid - The id of the delivery
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Put api/purchase/setinstorepickup/{id} Set up an in-store pick-up @PathVariable String id - The id of the purchase
@RequestParam String deliveryid - The id of the delivery
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Put api/purchase/addpayment/{id} Add a payment for the purchase @PathVariable String id - The id of the purchase
@RequestParam String paymentid - The id of the payment to be added
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500


Request Type URL Method Description Input OutPut
Get api/userRoles Get all user roles - Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Get api/userRoles/{id} Get user role by id @PathVariable String id - The id of the user role Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Post api/userRole Create user role @RequestParam String id - The id of the user role
@RequestParam String userid - The id of the user
Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500
Delete api/userRoles/{id} Delete user role @PathVariable String id - The id of the user role Success: 200
Failure: 409 or 500