This repository uses a template.yml for the creation of the Lambda. Every env variables is set during the deploy of the Lambda. This Function has already configured the API-Trigger, so in order to attach the Function to your app just copy the API-Endpoint inside your webhook URL.
It requires APP_ID, PRIVATE_KEY and WEBHOOK_SECRET crypted inside the environment, crypted with KMS. This function automatically decrypt this variables and the create the probot in order to handle the event.
Build the function:
sam build
Deploy the function:
sam deploy --stack-name NAME-OF-THE-STACK \
--on-failure DELETE \
--s3-bucket YOUR-S3-BUCKET \
#?? OPTIONAL --tags map-migrated=d-server-01068mdjl5jze3 ?? \
--no-confirm-changeset \
--parameter-overrides 'awsRole="ROLE-FOR-THE-FUNCTION" \
githubOwner="OWNER-OF-THE-REPO" \
githubRepository="NAME-OF-THE-REPO" \
githubWorkflowName="NAME-OF-THE-WORKFLOW" \
githubBranch="NAME-OF-THE-BRANCH" \
Delete the stack:
sam delete --stack-name NAME-OF-THE-STACK --no-prompts --region REGION-OF-THE-FUNCTION
Every time a pushed is done, the action automatically runs the "deploy.yml". In this way your Function will always be updated.