- Install fresh python environment and activate it
- Install all program packages with: pip install -r requirements.txt
- Add into "asana_task_analytics_project/secrets/" directory following files:
- secrets.py
- Analytics Code-d9b5f2ff02e5.json
- Fill in secrets.py file with necessary credentials described in "secrets.py template" below.
###To use scalar metrics you should start django web server which will server as API service. Simply run "python manage.py runserver" command. To obtain scalar metrics data request the following url "http://server_address:8000/api/scalar_metrics/top_latent/mit_or_miw_tag_id/" where "server_address: is the domain or ip address of server and "mit_or_miw_tag_id" is the id of MIT/MIW tags created in Asana. This endpoint should return json with top_latent data records filtered by oldest tasks.
###To obtain a series metrics: Run "python manage.py series_metrics" command. The program will obtain data from Asana API, analyse it and save output data into google spreadsheet. It appends a new row with today's data for each new day. This command should be run frequently by cron.
###secrets.py template:
- ASANA_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN = 'some asana personal access token'
- ASANA_MIT_TAG_ID = "14423571806636"
- ASANA_MIW_TAG_ID = "14410378551182"
- ASANA_WORKSPACE_ID = "1968482998660"
###Analytics Code-d9b5f2ff02e5.json Obtained from google drive api service