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All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
create_cloud_connect_attachment_tgw POST /api/v1/cnc/breakout/tgw Create a CloudConnect attachment via Transit Gateway
create_cloud_connect_attachment_vpn POST /api/v1/cnc/breakout/vpn Create a CloudConnect attachment via IPSec VPN
delete_cloud_connect_attachment DELETE /api/v1/cnc/breakout/{cloudconnect_attachment_id} Delete a specific CloudConnect attachment
get_cloud_connect_attachment_by_id GET /api/v1/cnc/breakout/{cloudconnect_attachment_id} View details of a CloudConnect attachment
get_cloud_connect_attachments GET /api/v1/cnc/breakout List all CloudConnect attachments of an organisation
get_cloud_connect_available_regions_by_breakout_type GET /api/v1/cnc/breakout_type/{breakout_type_id}/available_region Get list of available CloudConnect regions by breakout type
get_cloud_connect_breakout_types GET /api/v1/cnc/breakout_type List CloudConnect breakout types
get_cloud_connect_regions GET /api/v1/cnc/region Get list of available CloudConnect regions
list_cloud_connect_custom_prices GET /api/v1/cnc/pricing List CloudConnect prices
retry_cloud_connect_attachment PATCH /api/v1/cnc/breakout/{cloudconnect_attachment_id} Retry creation of an expired TGW breakout


create_cloud_connect_attachment_tgw(create_cloud_connect_tgw_request) Create a CloudConnect attachment via Transit Gateway

Creates a Transit Gateway breakout towards the customer AWS account. After the creation the following steps have to be made from the customer's AWS account: 1. Accept the resource share about the 'CloudConnect' TransitGateway 2. Create a Transit Gateway Attachment to the own VPC with the services to connect to More Information about this can be found on the CloudConnect KnowledgeBase article.


Name Type Description Required Notes
create_cloud_connect_tgw_request Option<CreateCloudConnectTgwRequest>

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: Not defined

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create_cloud_connect_attachment_vpn(create_cloud_connect_vpn_request) Create a CloudConnect attachment via IPSec VPN

Creates a CloudConnect attachment via a specified VPN server. Currently Static and Dynamic (BGP) VPN attachments are available. The created connection will be available within 3-5 minutes.


Name Type Description Required Notes
create_cloud_connect_vpn_request Option<CreateCloudConnectVpnRequest>

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: Not defined

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delete_cloud_connect_attachment(cloudconnect_attachment_id) Delete a specific CloudConnect attachment

Deletes the specified CloudConnect attachment. Attachments cannot be deleted if they are in the state 7 (Deactivated) or 8 (Rolling Back) or if they are Classic attachments.


Name Type Description Required Notes
cloudconnect_attachment_id f32 Numerical ID of a CloudConnect attachment [required]

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined

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Veccrate::models::GetCloudConnectAttachmentByIdResponseInner get_cloud_connect_attachment_by_id(cloudconnect_attachment_id) View details of a CloudConnect attachment

Displays the details including configured CIDR blocks of a CloudConnect Attachment. For active IPSec VPN attachments, the tunnel information (public IP, outisde address, inside CIDR, PSK, ASN) including metrics over the last hour (tunnel state, bytes in/out) will be displayed as well.


Name Type Description Required Notes
cloudconnect_attachment_id f32 Numerical ID of a CloudConnect attachment [required]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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Veccrate::models::GetCloudConnectAttachmentsResponseInner get_cloud_connect_attachments(status, r#type, organisation) List all CloudConnect attachments of an organisation

Lists all CloudConnect attachments of the logged in organisation if it is an Enterprise. For Master organisations it lists all attachments of the direct child organisations. Deleted attachments are left out by default. Additionally the attachments can be filtered by status and type. Master organisations can also filter by organisation ID of their direct child organisations.


Name Type Description Required Notes
status Option<f32> Numerical ID of the CloudConnect attachment status
* 1 - Pending Customer Action * 2 - Pending AWS Activation * 3 - Pending EGN Activation * 4 - Pending CRG Activation * 5 - Active * 6 - Deactivation Pending * 7 - Deactivated * 8 - Rolling Back
r#type Option<f32> Numerical ID of the CloudConnect attachment type
* 1 - Transit Gateway * 2 - IPSec VPN * 3 - IPSec VPN BGP * 4 - IPSec VPN BGP High Availability * 5 - Direct Connect * 6 - Shared * 7 - Transit Gateway (Classic) * 8 - IPSec VPN (Classic)
organisation Option<f32> Numerical ID of an Organisation

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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Veccrate::models::CloudConnectAvailableRegionInner get_cloud_connect_available_regions_by_breakout_type(breakout_type_id) Get list of available CloudConnect regions by breakout type

Returns a list of regions available for use when creating new CloudConnect breakouts of the selected breakout type. If the attachment region is peered to another one, the device breakout region will also be returned.


Name Type Description Required Notes
breakout_type_id i32 ID of a CloudConnect breakout type. Possible values can be retrieved with GET /api/v1/cnc/breakout_type. [required]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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Veccrate::models::CloudConnectBreakoutType get_cloud_connect_breakout_types() List CloudConnect breakout types

Lists all CloudConnect breakout types.


This endpoint does not need any parameter.

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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get_cloud_connect_regions(r#type) Get list of available CloudConnect regions

This endpoint has been deprecated. Please check GET /api/v1/cnc/breakout_type/{breakout_type_id}/available_region for the current version. Returns a list of regions available for use when creating new CloudConnect breakouts. The result can be filtered by breakout type.


Name Type Description Required Notes
r#type Option<i32> Breakout type ID to filter the results for. Possible values can be retrieved with GET /api/v1/cnc/breakout_type.

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined

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Veccrate::models::ListCloudConnectCustomResponseInner list_cloud_connect_custom_prices() List CloudConnect prices

Returns a list of the configured monthly prices for CloudConnect breakouts. Master organisation, Mobile Network Operators and Resellers will get the list of prices they have configured for their child organisations. Enterprise organisations will get the list of prices that apply for them.


This endpoint does not need any parameter.

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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retry_cloud_connect_attachment(cloudconnect_attachment_id) Retry creation of an expired TGW breakout

Retries the creation of a Transit Gateway breakout where the accept attachment state has expired, meaning the attachment on the customer's side has not been created in time. Retry is only allowed if: - The breakout is of type Transit Gateway (type_id: 1) - The breakout is in status Pending AWS Activation (status_id: 2) - The accept attachment state has expired (7 days after creation)


Name Type Description Required Notes
cloudconnect_attachment_id f32 Numerical ID of a CloudConnect attachment [required]

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined

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