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This a Symfony Bundle for Thruway, which is a php implementation of WAMP (Web Application Messaging Protocol).

Note: This project is still undergoing a lot of changes, so the API will change.

Quick Start with Composer

Install the Thruway Bundle

  $ php composer.phar require "voryx/thruway-bundle":"dev-master"

Update AppKernel.php

$bundles = array(
    // ...
    new JMS\SerializerBundle\JMSSerializerBundle(),
    new Voryx\ThruwayBundle\VoryxThruwayBundle($this),
    // ...



    realm: 'realm1'
    url: 'ws://' #The url that the clients will use to connect to the router
        ip: ''  # the ip that the router should start on
        port: '8080'  # public facing port.  If authentication is enabled, this port will be protected
        trusted_port: '8081' # Bypasses all authentication.  Use this for trusted clients.
#        authentication: false # true will load the AuthenticationManager
        bundles: ["AppBundle"]
#        files:
#            - "Acme\\DemoBundle\\Controller\\DemoController"
    serializer: # allow to set JMS_Serializer parameters - for now only serialize_null
        serialize_null: true

If you are using the in-memory user provider, you'll need to add a thruway to the security firewall and set the in_memory_user_provider.


            security: false	     

You can also tag services with thruway.resource and any annotation will get picked up

<service id="some.service" class="Acme\Bundle\SomeService">
    <tag name="thruway.resource"/>

Authentication with FOSUserBundle via WampCRA

Change the Password Encoder (tricky on existing sites) to master wamp challenge


            algorithm:            pbkdf2
            hash_algorithm:       sha256
            encode_as_base64:     true
            iterations:           1000
            key_length:           32

set voryx_thruway.user_provider to "fos_user.user_manager"


    user_provider: 'fos_user.user_manager' 

The WAMP-CRA service is already configured, we just need to add a tag to it to have the bundle install it:

        class: Thruway\Authentication\WampCraAuthProvider
        parent: voryx.thruway.wamp.cra.auth.client
            - { name: thruway.internal_client }

Custom Authorization Manager

You can set your own Authorization Manager in order to check if a user (identified by its authid) is allowed to publish | subscribe | call | register

Create your Authorization Manager service, implementing AuthorizationManagerInterface (see the Thruway doc for details)

// src/ACME/AppBundle/Security/MyAuthorizationManager.php

use Thruway\Authentication\AuthorizationManagerInterface;
use Thruway\Message\ActionMessageInterface;
use Thruway\Message\SubscribeMessage;
use Thruway\Session;

class MyAuthorizationManager implements AuthorizationManagerInterface
    public function isAuthorizedTo(Session $session, ActionMessageInterface $actionMsg)
        // set here the type of Action you want to check
        // Here it's only Subscribe
        if ($actionMsg instanceof  SubscribeMessage) {
            // Here your own auth rule
            $topic = $actionMsg->getTopicName();
            /* In this example sub patterns meet the following :
             * {userID}.{name}
             * we explode the topic name to get the userID
             $topic = explode('.', $topic);
                  // UserID shall meet AuthID, else deny access
                  if($topic[0] != $session->getMetaInfo()["authid"]){
                        return false;

        return true;

Register your authorization manager service

        class: ACME\AppBundle\Security\MyAuthorizationManager

Insert your service name in the voryx_thruway config


        authorization: my_authorization_manager # insert the name of your custom authorizationManager

Restart the Thruway server; it will now check authorization upon publish | subscribe | call | register. Remember to catch error when you try to subscribe to a topic (or any other action) as it may now be denied and this will be returned as an error.


Register RPC

    use Voryx\ThruwayBundle\Annotation\Register;
     * @Register("com.example.add")
    public function addAction($num1, $num2)
        return $num1 + $num2;

Call RPC

    public function call($value)
        $client = $this->container->get('thruway.client');
        $client->call("com.myapp.add", [2, 3])->then(
            function ($res) {
                echo $res[0];


     use Voryx\ThruwayBundle\Annotation\Subscribe;

     * @Subscribe("com.example.subscribe")
    public function subscribe($value)
        echo $value;


    public function publish($value)
        $client = $this->container->get('thruway.client');
        $client->publish("com.myapp.hello_pubsub", [$value]);

It uses JMS Serializer, so it can serialize and deserialize Entities

    use Voryx\ThruwayBundle\Annotation\Register;

     * @Register("com.example.addrpc", serializerEnableMaxDepthChecks=true)
    public function addAction(Post $post)
        //Do something to $post

        return $post;

Start the Thruway Process

You can start the default Thruway workers (router and client workers), without any additional configuration.

$ nohup php app/console thruway:process start &

By default, the router starts on ws://


The Thruway bundle will start up a separate process for the router and each defined worker. If you haven't defined any workers, all of the annotated calls and subscriptions will be started within the default worker.

There are two main ways to break your application apart into multiple workers.

  1. Use the worker property on the Register and Subscribe annotations. The following RPC will be added to the posts worker.

      use Voryx\ThruwayBundle\Annotation\Register;
      * @Register("com.example.addrpc", serializerEnableMaxDepthChecks=true, worker="posts")
      public function addAction(Post $post)
  2. Use the @Worker annotation on the class. The following annotation will create a worker called chat that can have a max of 5 instances.

      use Voryx\ThruwayBundle\Annotation\Worker;
      * @Worker("chat", maxProcesses="5")
      class ChatController

If a worker is shut down with anything other than SIGTERM, it will automatically be restarted.

##More Commands

#####To see a list of running processes (workers)

$ php app/console thruway:process status

#####Stop a process, i.e. default

$ php app/console thruway:process stop default

#####Start a process, i.e. default

$ php app/console thruway:process start default

Javascript Client

For the client, you can use AutobahnJS or any other WAMPv2 compatible client.

Here are some examples


Bundle for building Real-time Apps in Symfony






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