This is a (not very) pretty web interface for generating a ./configure command for nginx. nginx's ./configure lines are some of the longest I have to deal with in regular administrative duties so I figured I'd lessen the load on myself a bit. Other people might like it to. Then again they might not. Either way, w/e.
- Generate an options.php file from the auto/options file from a copy of nginx,
. This is done so that I don't have to update this every time there's a new version of nginx which is like every 2 weeks. Screw that. That's provided Igor Sysoev doesn't change the format of his ./configure help text. Knowing my luck he'll do that next release.
eg: ./ < /usr/src/nginx/nginx-x.y.z/auto/options > options.php
- Load up index.php in your web browser and you are good to go.
- Start configurating your nginx nano desu~~
Regular old (new) BSD license.
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