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/ hadsagono Public archive

a kids' game about connecting hexagons

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A kids' game about connecting hexagons. Built using React, Vite, Express, Mongodb, Langchain and Node.js.

The entirety of the application was developed for the "Advanced Techniques for Software Development" subject in the third year of the "Computer Engineering" university degree. It contains some very good code, some mediocre code and bunch of horrible, spaguetti code. We're publishing it here for the sake of posterity.


Singleplayer mode screenshot Figure: Singleplayer mode, a fresh started game

Multiplayer mode screenshot Figure: Multiplayer mode


This application is designed to be built and run via docker. An "prebuilt" docker image cannot be provided because some API Keys and other configuration parameters must be tweaked beforehand. It is recommended to have in the machine at least 3GB of storage space and some systems administration knowledge is assumed. These are the steps to self-hosting hadsagono:

  1. First, clone the repository:
git clone
  1. cd into the cloned folder.
  2. Then, rename the ".env.example" file to ".env"
  3. Open the ".env" file with your favourite text editor. You must provide a groq API key for the multiplayer feature. You can also configure the exposed web application's port and the username and password of the mongodb database.
  4. Install the docker engine into your machine if you already haven't.
  5. When you have all the variables configured correctly, you can simply run
docker-compose up -d
  1. Now your application will be running in the port you specified!

Recommended Steps

  1. If you are deploying the application on a server, you'll most likely want to persist the application and have it auto-start automatically when you restart your machine. In the case you're running Linux and manage processes with systemctl, you can just execute
sudo systemctl enable docker
  1. It is recommended that you run your web application behind a reverse proxy (like nginx) so you can protect the application through TLS/SSL and have more control over the web server. An example nginx domain config (to be placed in /etc/nginx/conf.d/domains/) for an application running over the port 3456 at an IP [MACHINE_IP] and with a hostname [DOMAIN] could be
server {
        listen      [MACHINE_IP]:443 ssl;
        server_name [DOMAIN] ;
        error_log   /path/to/your/error.log error;

        ssl_certificate     /path/to/ssl/cert.pem;
        ssl_certificate_key /path/to/ssl/cert.key;
        ssl_stapling        on;
        ssl_stapling_verify on;

        # TLS 1.3 0-RTT anti-replay
        if ($anti_replay = 307) { return 307 https://$host$request_uri; }
        if ($anti_replay = 425) { return 425; }

        location ~ /\.(?!well-known\/|file) {
                deny all;
                return 404;

        location / {

        location /error/ {
                alias /wherever/you/have/your/document_errors/;

        proxy_hide_header Upgrade;

        include /path/to/your/nginx.ssl.conf_*;

Developer Environment Setup

If you want to contribute to the project, you can setup your environment following these steps. The development is done separately from the frontend and the backend. If you haven't done so, clone the project and install node.js and npm in your local development machine. Usually in order to test the whole project you'll need to have two terminals active, one with the frontend development server and the other one with the express backend application.


All the development related to this section happens in the front folder. The used framework is Vite-React (JavaScript).

  • You'll want to open a terminal and execute the following command to install all the needed dependencies
npm install -save
  • The source files of the React frontend are found in the front/src folder.

  • To run the development server (it will start, by default in the port 5173), you'll need to enter in the terminal

npm run dev


For the backend, the application relies on a mongodb database, the express framework and an API key for the GROQ LLM provider.

  • First, you'll want to open a terminal and execute the following command to install all node dependencies
npm install -save
  • Then, rename the ".env.example" file to ".env".

  • You'll want to get yourself an API Key from the LLM Provider Groq and you should insert it in the .env file.

  • The application also needs a mongodb database to save the games on. The db MUST have a created database named "hadsagono". The application will create itself three collections: "boards", "boardais" and "backupboards" so make sure there aren't any naming collisions. You must provide a mongo connection URI in the .env file. If you haven't got a mongodb instance, you can self-host one in your local machine.

  • Finally, to run the backend development server (it will start, by default in the port 3642), you'll need to enter in the terminal

npm run start

Recommended IDE

You can use whatever IDE you want to develop the project, as the application itself does not need any fancy IDEs. Nevertheless, the development team recomends using vscode. We have published our recommended extensions for vscode for working in the proyect in an extension pack for your convenience.

Extra Information

A technical report with all the characteristics of the project can be found in the technical_report file in the source code root.


This project does NOT have an open-source license. For more information about open source licenses, click here. If you want more information about what does mean to NOT have an open-source license, click here