It is recommended to use a virtual environment to install this package, as it contains many pinned runtime dependencies.
To install the production version of the package, run the following command in the console:
$ pip install git+
To install the version specified by a particular branch (when permissions are granted), run the following command in the console:
$ pip install git+
To install the version specified by a specific commit, the commit hash can be used by running the following command in the console:
$ pip install git+
This package works under the assumption that the characters to be detected are surrounded by boxes that are placed side-by-side. An example image with this format is displayed below:
Below is a sample usage that generates a prediction from the file shown above, assuming it was titled my_example.jpg
$ python3 -m markus_exam_matcher ./my_example.jpg digit
- First, clone this repository.
- Open a terminal in this repo, and create a new virtual environment.
- Run `pip install -e ".[dev]" to install the dependencies.
- Then run `pre-commit install`` to install the pre-commit hooks (for automatically formatting and checking your code on each commit).