Releases: Manza12/nnMorpho
Releases · Manza12/nnMorpho
Functions gradients OK
Functions working properly
The functions are giving the correct gradients
Batched color images
From this release, batched color images are allowed as input.
Correction of devices and import and addition of partial erosion
In this release, the devices problems raised by s-rog in the issue #1 are solved and the partial erosion is added.
First CUDA release
In this release, nnMorpho changed the paradigm from the torch.Tensor.unfold strategy to pure CUDA code.
The memory usage is now optimal and the speed imporvement relative to Scipy is of around x200.
Version 0.1.2
Trainable modules have been added to nnMorpho
Correction of error
Correction of the dilation: flip the structural element
First release
First release with basic operations: erosion, dilation, opening and closing.
First pre-release
First release with basic operations: erosion, dilation, opening and closing.