- Clone
- npm install
- npm start
- The repo contains the UI for the Mango web
- The components folder contains most of the things that are displayed on the website.
- Anything that is a component will be exported and used in the index.js file where everything is put together.
- Anything static will be in the public folder inside src folder. [CSS, img, js, fonts]
- /sponsors view sponsor dahsboard
- /admindashboard view users attending mango
- /prospectus
- /signup
Angelo: From Dec 3rd onward- no more pushing directly to master. We will be having a Travis CI integration that will build our master branch to DO. Please from now on, please use feature branches and submit a PR with your feature branch.
If you have a repo/branch that is behind please read this (https://help.github.com/articles/syncing-a-fork/) on how to sync your branch.
Update: Prod branch no longer connected to this repo