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Lako čitljiva literatura sa najboljim primerima iz PHP prakse, prikazom prihvaćenih koding standarda i linkovima ka merodavnim tutorijalima širom Weba


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<<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD # PHP: The Right Way


Ovo je Git Hub strana repozitorijuma za projekat PHP: The Right Way .

  • Ovaj sajt je Jekyll projekat.
  • Svaka sekcija i podsekcija su Markdown file in _posts/.
  • Podsekcije imaju isChild: true in their front matter.
  • Navigacija i struktura stranice se automatski generišu.

Proširite vest!

PHP: The Right Way ima slike za web banere koje možete da koristite na svom sajtu. Pružite nam podršku, i omogućite novim PHP programerima da saznaju gde mogu da pronađu kvalitetne informacije!

pogledaj slike za banere

Kako možete da doprinesete

  1. Forkujte i edit
  2. Opciono instalirajte Ruby sa Jekyll gem da biste mogli da preview u lokalu
  3. Pošaljite zahtev za pull na razmatranje

Uputstvo o stilovima za saradnike

  1. Use American English spelling (primary English repo only)
  2. Koristite četiri (4) razmaka za uvlačenje teksta; nemojte da koristite tabove.
  3. Wrap all text to 120 characters.
  4. Primeri koda moraju se pridržavati PSR-1 standarda ili višeg.



Ako ste zainteresovani da prevedete PHP: The Right Way, forkujte ovaj repozitorijum na GitHub-u i objavite svoj lokalizovan fork na svom GitHub nalogu. Postavićemo link ka vašem prevodu sa osnovnog dokumenta.

Da biste izbegli fragmentaciju i zabunu kod čitalaca, molimo vas izaberite jednu od ovih opcija:

  1. Da stavimo link ka vašim GitHub stranicama pomoću [username]
  2. Da postavimo link ka vašim GitHub stranicama preko poddomena (npr "")

Ako koristite poddomen, unesite njegov naziv u CNAME dokument, i tražite od nas da podesimo DNS za vas. Ako ne koristite poddomen, izbrišite CNAME dokument kompletno, inače se vaš fork neće build (formirati?) kada bude poslat (when pushed).

Kada vaš prevod bude spreman, otvorite issue na Issue Tracker da biste nas obavestili.


U poslednje vreme u toku je puno rasprava o tome kako PHP zajednici nedostaju verodostojne i validne informacije za programere koji su početnici u PHP. Cilj ovog repozitorijuma je da reši taj problem.


Moje ime je Josh Lockhart. Autor sam Slim Framework, i radim za New Media Campaigns.



PHP: The Right Way


This is the GitHub Pages repository for the PHP: The Right Way project.

  • This website is a Jekyll project.
  • Each section and sub-section are a Markdown file in _posts/.
  • Sub-sections have isChild: true in their front matter.
  • The navigation and page structure are automatically generated.

Spread the Word!

PHP: The Right Way has web banner images you can use on your website. Show your support, and let new PHP developers know where to find good information!

See Banner Images

How to Contribute

  1. Fork and edit
  2. Optionally install Ruby with Jekyll gem to preview locally
  3. Submit pull request for consideration

Contributor Style Guide

  1. Use American English spelling (primary English repo only)
  2. Use four (4) spaces to indent text; do not use tabs.
  3. Wrap all text to 120 characters.
  4. Code samples should adhere to PSR-1 or higher. =======

PHP: The Right Way


There's a lot of bad information on the Web (I'm looking at you, W3Schools) that leads new PHP users astray, propagating bad practices and bad code. This must stop. PHP: The Right Way provides an easy-to-read, quick reference for PHP best practices, accepted coding standards, and links to authoritative tutorials around the Web.

How to Contribute

PHP: The Right Way is hosted on GitHub Pages. It is a Jekyll project available in the gh-pages branch. Fork and edit the gh-pages branch, add some examples or helpful links, and send me a pull request. Let's make this the best resource available for new PHP programmers!



<<<<<<< HEAD


If you are interested in translating PHP: The Right Way, fork this repo on GitHub and publish your localized fork to your own GitHub Pages account. We'll link to your translation from the primary document.

To avoid fragmentation and reader confusion, please choose one of these options:

  1. We link to your GitHub Pages fork with [username]
  2. We link to your GitHub Pages fork with a subdomain (e.g. "")

If you use a subdomain, enter the subdomain into the CNAME file, and ask us to setup DNS for you. If you do not use a subdomain, remove the CNAME file entirely else your fork will not build when pushed.

When your translation is ready, open an issue on the Issue Tracker to let us know.




There's been a lot of discussion lately about how the PHP community lacks sufficient, credible information for programmers new to PHP. This repository aims to solve this problem.


<<<<<<< HEAD My name is Josh Lockhart. I'm the author of the Slim Framework, and I work for New Media Campaigns.



Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

a7fa895c295a28c784e3e9e09d70c10858d8b77e ======= My name is Josh Lockhart. I'm the author of the Slim Framework, and I work for New Media Campaigns.





Lako čitljiva literatura sa najboljim primerima iz PHP prakse, prikazom prihvaćenih koding standarda i linkovima ka merodavnim tutorijalima širom Weba







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