(ccz 3 (H 2) (Toffoli) (H 2))
(hx 3 (H) (X))
(oracle 3 (X 0) (ccz) (X 0))
(diffusion 3 (hx) (ccz) (! (hx)))
(shift 3 (oracle) (diffusion))
(grover 3 (H) (repeat (shift) 2))
To get cQASM for a given StarQ file
racket cli.rkt --file <filename>
We have a suite of 25 different tests which cover all the functionality of the language.
To run tests:
raco test tester.rkt
We have provided code samples along with expected outputs for `Grover Search`, `Quantum Fourier Transform`, `Quantum Teleportation` and `Quantum Classification` in the tests folder itself.
We followed Test Driven Development and have a suite of 25 tests.
Our interpreter is a transpiler that evaluates to cQasm. We have extensively used eopl
data structures and recursive descent parsing to write succinct and concise code.
AST datatype:
[run-circuit (circuit-name symbol?)]
[circuit-def (circuit-name symbol?) (qubit number?) (circuit-body (list-of circuit-body-item?))])
(define-datatype circuit-body-item
[chops (circuit circuit-body-item?) (count number?)]
[shift (circuit circuit-body-item?) (count number?)]
[repeat (circuit circuit-body-item?) (count number?)]
[uncompute (circuit circuit-body-item?)]
[circuit-call (circuit-name symbol?) (gate-args list?)]
[moment (circuits (list-of circuit-body-item?))])
Once we convert AST into cQASM we store it in a qasm datatype:
(define-datatype qasm
[instr (name symbol?) (constant false-or-number?) (args (list-of number?))]
[instr-parallel (instrs (list-of qasm?))]
[instr-label (label symbol?) (count number?)])
We maintain all the inbuilt gates and their properties in an encapsulated match function:
Each entry corresponds to (arity constants uncompute)
(define (fundamental-gate? name)
(match name
['X '(1 #f X)]
['Y '(1 #f Y)]
['Z '(1 #f Z)]
['H '(1 #f H)]
['I '(1 #f I)]
['S '(1 #f Sdag)]
['Sdag '(1 #f S)]
['T '(1 #f Tdag)]
['Tdag '(1 #f T)]
['CNOT '(2 #f CNOT)]
['SWAP '(2 #f SWAP)]
['CZ '(2 #f CZ)]
['CX '(2 #f CX)]
;; special uncompute
['Rx '(1 1 Rxdag)]
['Ry '(1 1 Rydag)]
['Rz '(1 1 Rzdag)]
['CR '(2 1 CRdag)]
['CRk '(2 1 CRkdag)]
;; special uncompute ends
['Toffoli '(3 #f Toffoli)]
;; invalid uncomputes
['measure_z '(1 #f #f)]
['measure_y '(1 #f #f)]
['measure_x '(1 #f #f)]
[else #f]))