My development environment files. Gruvbox-themed, using zsh
and tmux
bash <(curl -fsSL
To make this work, you need to have the following installed:
Make sure to remove any previous symlinks before running the following commands. Run the following commands:
stow [folder]
Where [folder]
is the name of the folder you want to install.
I use Kitty as my terminal emulator. You can change this to your preferred terminal emulator, as long as you use Z shell.
I use Oh My Posh as my prompt engine. You can change this to your preferred prompt engine.
I use a gruvbox-themed Rofi to switch between windows and launch applications.
Use Ctrl + Alt + R to toggle Rofi.
GitHub Copilot's auto-complete is mapped to Alt + Enter, while any other auto-complete is mapped to Tab.
Debugger is mapped to Leaderbt (to place a breakpoint) and Leaderbc (to start debugging).
Zsh config file.
My config files are based of off the following works: