Welcome to the Product Quality Engineer technical test!
Your first task is to find a bug on any website on the internet and create a bug report out of it. The more severe the bug the better, the more famous the site the better. No worries, there’s a ton of bugs out there waiting for you!
You have 10 minutes to test a release of Whatsapp before it hits production, what would you test? You have the following devices to test: Android, iOS and Desktop.
Here you'll find a REST API: https://developers.giphy.com/docs/api/endpoint#search
This is a sample call to retrieve a list of GIFs: http://api.giphy.com/v1/gifs/search?q=funny+dog&api_key=dc6zaTOxFJmzC
Your third task is to extensively test that API endpoint. You can use the provided api_key: it’s a public key for testing out that API. Please, read the documentation before starting.
Provide a list of test cases (minimum 10, maximum 20), covering both functional and non-functional, listing the actual parameters used to execute your test cases (you can use a test matrix). Try to cover as many features and edge cases as possible: this endpoint allows a lot of parameter combinations.
Please, provide a set of documents/GitHub repo/cloud folder with the solutions to the tasks.
Good luck!