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MacadamiaSolver (or simple MandmS as an acronym for MacANDaMia solver) is a theorem prover (SMT-solver) in Presburger Arithmetic based on the finite-automata approach for deciding. It also supports existential Semёnov arithmetic (i.e. existential theory <N, 2**x, +, =>).


To build the project you'll need these dependencies to be installed:

  • OPam - OCaml package manager.
  • OCaml >5.0.

You may install the dependencies using the following bash commands:

bash -c "sh <(curl -fsSL"
opam switch create 5.2.0+flambda --packages=ocaml-variants.5.2.0+options,ocaml-option-flambda --yes


The MacadamiaSolver project can be built like this:

# Installing project dependencies.
opam install . --deps-only --with-test
# Building the project and its tests.
opam exec -- dune build @check @all

The executable binary is available in the _build dir.


By default opam build an executable in ./_build/default/bin/main.exe. Starting it up brings you to REPL for evaluating theorem proving. We strongly encourage you to run it the following way

ledit ./_build/default/bin/main.exe

Using common unix ledit allows navigating through the input and switching the history of executed commands.

Commands supported by the REPL and their semantics:

  • let <name> <params...> = <FOL formula> - define a new predicate.
  • list - list existing predicates.
  • eval <formula> - prove a theorem.
  • evalsemenov <formula> - prove an existential Semёnov arithmetic theorem.
  • dump <FOL formula> - display the automaton for the desired FOL formula using GraphViz.
  • parse <FOL formula> - display the AST tree for the FOL formula.
  • help - display help information.

MacadamiaSolver uses the syntax defined by the following grammar rules for expression first-order logic statements:

formula ::= ( formula )
          | ~formula
          | formula & formula
          | formula '|' formula
          | formula -> formula
          | formula <- formula
          | formula <-> formula
          | E var formula
          | A var formula
          | atomic_formula

atomic_formula ::= term = term
                 | term != term
                 | term < term
                 | term > term
                 | term <= term
                 | term >= term
                 | pred term*

pred ::= [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*

term ::= (term)
       | const (term) | const var
       | var
       | const
var ::= [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*
const ::= [0-9]+

Example usages:

> eval Ax Ey x = y + 1
  Result: true

> let even x = Ey x = 2y
> eval AxAyAz x + y = z & even(x) & even(y) -> even(z + 1)
  Result: false

> eval AxAyAz x + y = z & even(x) & even(y) -> even(z)
  Result: true

> evalsemenov 2**x = 2**y + 2**z + 7
  Result: true

Future development

Our future plans include:

  • Supporting SMT-Lib for evaluating benchmarks


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