This is a protoc plugin that generates HTTP server and client code from proto files.
- Generation of both server and client code
- At the moment works with fasthttp
- Provides multiple options for Marshaling/Unmarshaling:
- Utilizes google.api.http for defining HTTP paths (also can generate it)
- Supports a wide range of data types in path parameters
- Supports middlewares
go install
Use proto with RPC to define methods
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
service TestService {
rpc TestMethod (TestMessage) returns (TestMessage) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/test/{field1}"
message TestMessage {
string field1 = 1;
string field2 = 2;
protoc -I=. --httpgo_out=. --httpgo_opt=paths=source_relative example/proto/example.proto
Name | Values | Description |
paths | source_relative, import | Inherited from protogen, see docs for more details |
marshaller | easyjson, protojson | Specifies the data marshaling/unmarshaling package. Uses encoding/json by default. |
only | server, client | Use to generate either the server or client code exclusively |
autoURI | false, true | Create method URI if annotation is missing. |
bodylessMethods | GET;DELETE | List of semicolon separated http methods that should not have a body. |
Example of parameters usage:
protoc -I=. --httpgo_out=. --httpgo_opt=paths=source_relative,marshaller=easyjson,only=server,autoURI=true example/proto/example.proto
The plugin will create an example.httpgo.go file with the following:
- function to register server handlers{ServiceName}HTTPGoService
- interface with all client methodsGet{ServiceName}HTTPGoClient
- client constructor that implements the above interface
package main
import (
func serverExample(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
var (
handler proto.TestServiceHTTPGoService = &implementation.Handler{}
r = router.New()
if err = proto.RegisterTestServiceHTTPGoServer(ctx, r, handler, serverMiddlewares); err != nil {
return err
go func() { _ = fasthttp.ListenAndServe(":8080", r.Handler) }()
return nil
package main
import (
func clientExample(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
var (
client *proto.TestServiceHTTPGoClient
httpClient = &fasthttp.Client{}
host = "http://localhost:8080"
if client, err = proto.GetTestServiceHTTPGoClient(ctx, httpClient, host, clientMiddlewares); err != nil {
return err
// sending our request
_, _ = client.TestMethod(context.Background(), &proto.TestMessage{Field1: "value", Field2: "rand"})
return nil
You can define custom middlewares with specific arguments and return values.
Pass a slice of middlewares to the constructor, and they will be invoked in the specified order.
are middleware examples
for logs, timeout, headers, etc.
package implementation
import (
var ServerMiddlewares = []func(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx, arg interface{}, next func(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx)){
var ClientMiddlewares = []func(req *fasthttp.Request, handler func(req *fasthttp.Request) (resp *fasthttp.Response, err error)) (resp *fasthttp.Response, err error){
func LoggerServerMiddleware(
ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx, arg interface{},
next func(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx),
) {
log.Println("server request", arg)
log.Println("server response", string(ctx.Response.Body()))
func LoggerClientMiddleware(
req *fasthttp.Request,
next func(req *fasthttp.Request) (resp *fasthttp.Response, err error),
) (resp *fasthttp.Response, err error) {
log.Println("client request", string(req.RequestURI()))
resp, err = next(req)
log.Println("client response", string(resp.Body()))
return resp, err
See example for more details.
Golang protobuf generator can produce fields with different case:
message InputMsgName {
int64 value = 1;
package main
import ""
type InputMsgName struct {
state protoimpl.MessageState
sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCache
unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownFields
Value int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=value,proto3" json:"value,omitempty"`
We defined value and got Value. This works just fine, but keep in mind that server will only check for arguments with proto names.
- /v1/test?value=1 - correct
- /v1/test?Value=1 - incorrect
- Improve test cases
- Implement more web servers