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Merge pull request #2 from ngomezve/main
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new combustion models + changes in Mach number + standard atmosphere
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askprash authored Mar 26, 2024
2 parents cbda03a + 0ae659a commit ce61a3f
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Showing 11 changed files with 403 additions and 65 deletions.
18 changes: 15 additions & 3 deletions src/Gas.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Constructs `Gas` with given composition `Y`
function Gas(Y::AbstractVector)
gas = Gas(); gas.Y = convert(Vector{Float64}, Y)
set_TP!(gas, Tstd, Pstd) #setting temperature and pressure to recalculate thermodynamic properties
return gas

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ function Gas()


# Overload Base.getproperty for convinence
# Overload Base.getproperty for convenience
function Base.getproperty(gas::Gas, sym::Symbol)
if sym === :h_T # dh/dT
return getfield(gas, :cp)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,6 +111,17 @@ function Base.getproperty(gas::Gas, sym::Symbol)
return cp/(cp - R)
elseif sym === :gamma
return getproperty(gas, )
elseif sym ===
R = getproperty(gas, :R)
T = getfield(gas, :T)
P = getfield(gas, :P)
return P / (R * T)
elseif sym === :rho
return getproperty(gas, )
elseif sym ===
return 1 / getproperty(gas, )
elseif sym === :nu
return getproperty(gas, )
elseif sym === :X # Get mole fractions
Y = getfield(gas, :Y)
MW = spdict.MW
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,7 +152,7 @@ function Base.setproperty!(gas::Gas, sym::Symbol, val::Float64)
if sym === :T
setfield!(gas, :T, val) # first set T
setfield!(gas, :Tarray, Tarray!(val, getfield(gas, :Tarray))) # update Tarray
TT = view(getfield(gas, :Tarray), :) # Just convinence
TT = view(getfield(gas, :Tarray), :) # Just convenience
# Next set the cp, h and s of the gas
## Get the right coefficients
## (assumes Tmid is always 1000.0. Check performed in readThermo.jl.):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,7 +188,7 @@ function Base.setproperty!(gas::Gas, sym::Symbol, val::Float64)
## Setting Pressure
elseif sym === :P
setfield!(gas, :P, val)
TT = view(getfield(gas, :Tarray), :) # Just convinence
TT = view(getfield(gas, :Tarray), :) # Just convenience
# Next set s of the gas
## Get the right coefficients
## (assumes Tmid is always 1000.0. Check performed in readThermo.jl.):
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions src/Gas1D.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -114,6 +114,17 @@ function Base.getproperty(gas::Gas1D, sym::Symbol)
return cp / (cp - R)
elseif sym === :gamma
return getproperty(gas, )
elseif sym ===
R = getproperty(gas, :R)
T = getfield(gas, :T)
P = getfield(gas, :P)
return P / (R * T)
elseif sym === :rho
return getproperty(gas, )
elseif sym ===
return 1 / getproperty(gas, )
elseif sym === :nu
return getproperty(gas, )
return getfield(gas, sym)
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/IdealGases.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ export print_thermo_table
export X2Y, Y2X

gas = Gas()
gas.X = Xair
Expand Down
58 changes: 58 additions & 0 deletions src/atmosphere.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
standard_atmosphere(z, alt_type = "geometric")
Calculate the gas state at a given desired altitude in the atmosphere using the 1976
US Standard Atmosphere. Model valid between -5 and 86 km in geometric altitude. Accepts
geometric altitude ("alt_type == "geometric") or geopotential altitude ("alt_type == "geopotential").
Model from: ``
function standard_atmosphere(z, alt_type = "geometric")

g = 9.80665 #Acceleration of gravity on Earth surface (z = 0)
R_e = 6.356766e6; #Radius of Earth

#Initialize gas (composition does not change)
gas = Gas1D()
R = gas.R

#Calculate geopotential altitude
if alt_type == "geometric"
H = (R_e * z) / (R_e + z) #Geopotential height

elseif alt_type == "geopotential"
H = z

#Database with 1976 US Standard Atmosphere temperatures and pressures
H0s = [0, 11e3, 20e3, 32e3, 47e3, 51e3, 71e3] #atm. regions
λs = [-6.5e-3, 0, 1e-3, 2.8e-3, 0, -2.8e-3, -2e-3] #lapse rates
T0s = [288.15, 216.65, 216.65, 228.65, 270.65, 270.65, 214.65] #temperatures at interfaces
P0s = [101325, 22632.1, 5474.89, 868.019, 110.906, 66.9389, 3.95642] #pressures at interfaces

#Table lookup to find atmospheric region
ind = 1
for i in 1:length(H0s)
if H > H0s[i]
ind = i
#Store base height, temperature, pressure and lapse rate
H0 = H0s[ind]
λ = λs[ind]
T0 = T0s[ind]
P0 = P0s[ind]

#Find temperature and pressure using the lapse rate
#Use closed-form solutions
if λ != 0
P = P0 * ((T0 + λ * (H - H0)) / T0)^(-g / (R * λ))
T = T0 + λ * (H - H0)

elseif λ == 0
T = T0
P = P0 * exp(-g * (H - H0) / (R * T))

#set the gas to the correct T and P
set_TP!(gas, T, P)
return gas
133 changes: 132 additions & 1 deletion src/combustion.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -278,6 +278,10 @@ function vitiated_mixture(fuel::AbstractSpecies, oxidizer::AbstractSpecies,

Xvitiated::Dict{String, Float64} = mergewith(+, Xin, Xdict)

for key in keys(Xvitiated) #Normalize such that sum(Xi) = 1
Xvitiated[key] = Xvitiated[key] / (1 + ηburn * molFAR)

return Xvitiated
end # function vitiated_gas

Expand All @@ -288,7 +292,7 @@ vitiated_mixture(fuel, oxidizer, stoich_FOR(fuel, oxidizer))
vitiated_mixture(fuel::AbstractString, oxidizer::AbstractString,
FAR::Float64, ηburn::Float64=1.0)
Convinence function that finds fuel and oxidizer from thermo database
Convenience function that finds fuel and oxidizer from thermo database
function vitiated_mixture(fuel::AbstractString, oxidizer::AbstractString,
FAR::Float64, ηburn::Float64=1.0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -506,3 +510,130 @@ function fixed_fuel_vitiated_species(fuel, oxidizer, ηburn::Float64=1.0)

return burntgas
end # function fixed_fuel_vitiated_species

fuel_combustion(gas_ox::AbstractGas, fuel::String, Tf::Float64, FAR::Float64,
ηburn::Float64 = 1.0, hvap::Float64 = 0.0)
This function returns an `AbstractGas` with the combustion products at the combustor exit temperature
for a given fuel type, oxidizer gas at a given enthalpy, and FAR. It includes the combustion
efficiency and the fuel enthalpy of vaporization as optional inputs.
function fuel_combustion(gas_ox::AbstractGas, fuel::String, Tf::Float64, FAR::Float64,
ηburn::Float64 = 1.0, hvap::Float64 = 0.0)

#Create variables corresponding to the oxidizer and fuel species and mixtures
fuel_sps = species_in_spdict(fuel)

#Find oxidizer composition
if typeof(gas_ox) == Gas1D
gas_sps = gas_ox.comp_sp
if "Air" in keys(gas_ox.Xdict)
Xin = Xair
Xin = gas_ox.Xdict
gas_sps = generate_composite_species(IdealGases.Xidict2Array(Xin))

#Find the vectors with the fuel mole and mass fractions
Xfuel = Xidict2Array(Dict([(fuel, 1.0)])) #Mole fraction
Yfuel = X2Y(Xfuel) #Mass fraction
gas_fuel = Gas(Yfuel) #Create a fuel gas to calculate enthalpy

set_TP!(gas_fuel, Tf, gas_ox.P) #Set the fuel gas at the correct conditions

#Find product composition and mole and mass fractions
Xprod_dict = vitiated_mixture(fuel_sps, gas_sps, FAR, ηburn)
Xprod = Xidict2Array(Xprod_dict)
Yprod = X2Y(Xprod)

#Initialize output
gas_prod = Gas(Yprod)

# Combustion enthalpy calculations
#enthalpy before reaction = enthalpy after reaction
h0 = (gas_ox.h + FAR * (gas_fuel.h - abs(hvap))) / (1 + FAR)

#Set the products at the correct enthalpy and pressure
set_hP!(gas_prod, h0, gas_ox.P)
return gas_prod

gas_burn(gas_ox::AbstractGas, fuel::String, Tf::Float64, Tburn::Float64,
ηburn::Float64 = 1.0, hvap::Float64 = 0.0)
This function returns a tuple containing the FAR and an `AbstractGas` with the combustion
products for a given fuel type, oxidizer gas at a given enthalpy, and desired combustor exit temperature.
It includes the combustion efficiency and the fuel enthalpy of vaporization as optional inputs.
function gas_burn(gas_ox::AbstractGas, fuel::String, Tf::Float64, Tburn::Float64,
ηburn::Float64 = 1.0, hvap::Float64 = 0.0)

#Create variables corresponding to the oxidizer and fuel species and mixtures
fuel_sps = species_in_spdict(fuel)

#Extract composite species with oxidizer gas composition
if typeof(gas_ox) == Gas1D
gas_sps = gas_ox.comp_sp
if "Air" in keys(gas_ox.Xdict)
Xin = Xair
Xin = gas_ox.Xdict
gas_sps = generate_composite_species(IdealGases.Xidict2Array(Xin))

#Find the vectors with the fuel mole and mass fractions
Xfuel = Xidict2Array(Dict([(fuel, 1.0)])) #Mole fraction
Yfuel = X2Y(Xfuel) #Mass fraction
gas_fuel = Gas(Yfuel) #Create a fuel gas to calculate enthalpy

set_TP!(gas_fuel, Tf, gas_ox.P) #Set the fuel gas at the correct conditions

#Store enthalpies of oxidizer and fuel at original temperatures
ho = gas_ox.h
hf = gas_fuel.h

#Find change in gas composition for a FAR of 1
nCO2, nN2, nH2O, nO2 = reaction_change_molar_fraction(

names = ["CO2", "H2O", "N2", "O2"]
ΔX = [nCO2, nH2O, nN2, nO2]
Xdict = Dict(zip(names, ΔX))

Xc = Xidict2Array(Xdict)
Yc = X2Y(Xc) #mass fraction change in combustion for FAR = 1

gas_c = Gas(Yc) #Create a "virtual" gas with the changes in combustion, for enthalpy
set_TP!(gas_c, Tburn, gas_ox.P)

hc = gas_c.h #Enthalpy change for FAR = 1

gas_ox_burnt = deepcopy(gas_ox) #make a copy to avoid modifying the input
set_TP!(gas_ox_burnt, Tburn, gas_ox.P)
ha = gas_ox_burnt.h #Enthalpy of original oxidizer at final temperature

set_TP!(gas_fuel, Tburn, gas_ox.P)
hff = gas_fuel.h #Enthalpy of fuel at final temperature

#Find FAR corresponding to Tburn
FAR = (ha - ho) / (hf - ηburn * hc - (1 - ηburn) * hff - abs(hvap)) #solve for FAR

#Find product composition and mole and mass fractions
Xprod_dict = vitiated_mixture(fuel_sps, gas_sps, FAR, ηburn)
Xprod = Xidict2Array(Xprod_dict)
Yprod = X2Y(Xprod)

#Initialize output
gas_prod = Gas(Yprod)

#Set the products at the correct enthalpy and pressure
set_TP!(gas_prod, Tburn, gas_ox.P)

return FAR, gas_prod

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