Current version is : Scutor wire up services and classes for core
This tool will be updated with further needs or requests
First you need to install it via nuget :
Install-Package Scutor.AspnetCore.Wireup -Version 1.0.0
or install via cli command :
dotnet add package Scutor.AspnetCore.Wireup --version 1.0.0
Writeup can be done in Startup.cs class, simply with one line of code
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// other services can add here
// like :
// services.AddMvc();
// Transient
// Scoped
// Singleton
You can specify search condition for scanning assemblies like this :
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// other services can add here
// like :
// services.AddMvc();
// Transient
services.WireupTransient(this.GetType().Assembly, "*Transient_types.dll");
// Scoped
services.WireupScoped(this.GetType().Assembly, "*Scoped_types.dll");
// Singleton
services.WireupSingleton(this.GetType().Assembly, "*Singleton_types.dll");