Global Boosters for Spigot and Paper
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GBooster is a Booster Plugin created to provide Global Boosters for JobsReborn, McMMO and Minecraft!
This plugin is perfect for any server wishing to receive donations from their players without becoming pay to win!
- Global Minecraft Experience Boosters
- Global McMMO Experience Boosters
- Global Jobs Experience and Money Boosters
- MySQL/MariaDB support
- A Bar that shows active boosters and hides automatically when there are none active
- Support for scheduled boosters from JobsReborn
- Placeholders and the ability to create a menu to activate boosters through DeluxeMenus for example
To get the plugin running on your server follow these simple steps.
- Permission:
- Command:
/gbooster give <player> <boosterid> <amount>
- Description: Give a player a certain amount of boosters
- Permission:
- Command:
/gbooster use <boosterid>
- Description: Use a specified booster
# __________________ __ #
# / _____/\______ \ ____ ____ _______/ |_ ___________ #
# / \ ___ | | _// _ \ / _ \/ ___/\ __\/ __ \_ __ \ #
# \ \_\ \| | ( <_> | <_> )___ \ | | \ ___/| | \/ #
# \______ /|______ /\____/ \____/____ > |__| \___ >__| #
# \/ \/ \/ \/ #
# This bar will be displayed when boosters are active
bar-pattern: "&b%minecraft%x &aEXP &7| &b%mcmmo%x &aMcMMO &7| &b%jobs_xp%x &aJob &7| &b%jobs_money%x &e$ &7[&f%duration% m&7]"
# Message that will be displayed if empty-bar is set to true
default-bar-message: "&c&lNo active boosters"
# Set this option to false to not display the default message when no boosters are active
empty-bar: false
# Choose a storage system (mysql or yaml)
storage-system: yaml
# How often the plugin should save players (time in seconds)
saving-time: 600
host: "localhost"
port: 3306
database: gbooster
username: "gbooster"
password: ""
# Choose from jobs_xp, jobs_money, mcmmo and minecraft
type: jobs_xp
# Choose a multiplier (only numbers from 1-8 -> +20% would be 1.2)
multiplier: 2
# Choose a duration (seconds)
duration: 3600
type: jobs_money
multiplier: 2
duration: 3600
type: mcmmo
multiplier: 2
duration: 3600
type: minecraft
# Don't use floating-point numbers for type minecraft! All decimals after the . will get rounded
multiplier: 2
duration: 3600
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be, learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
Distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. See LICENSE
for more information.
Leopold Meinel - @TamrielN - Twitter
Leopold Meinel - [email protected] - email
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