Application to watch trailers of all movies today, data from themoviedb helped me to complete this application, demo video and some images below of the application that I made.
This is the boilerplate that Infinite Red uses as a way to test bleeding-edge changes to our React Native stack.
Currently includes:
- React Native
- React Navigation
- MobX State Tree
- TypeScript
- And more!
The Ignite boilerplate project's structure will look similar to this:
├── app
│ ├── components
│ ├── i18n
│ ├── utils
│ ├── models
│ ├── navigators
│ ├── screens
│ ├── services
│ ├── theme
│ ├── app.tsx
├── storybook
│ ├── views
│ ├── index.ts
│ ├── storybook-registry.ts
│ ├── storybook.ts
│ ├── toggle-storybook.tsx
├── test
│ ├── __snapshots__
│ ├── storyshots.test.ts.snap
│ ├── mock-i18n.ts
│ ├── mock-reactotron.ts
│ ├── setup.ts
│ ├── storyshots.test.ts
├── android
│ ├── app
│ ├── build.gradle
│ ├── gradle
│ ├──
│ ├── gradlew
│ ├── gradlew.bat
│ ├── keystores
│ └── settings.gradle
├── ignite
│ ├── ignite.json
│ └── plugins
├── index.js
├── ios
│ ├── IgniteProject
│ ├── IgniteProject-tvOS
│ ├── IgniteProject-tvOSTests
│ ├── IgniteProject.xcodeproj
│ └── IgniteProjectTests
├── .env
└── package.json
Included in an Ignite boilerplate project is the app
directory. This is a directory you would normally have to create when using vanilla React Native.
The inside of the src directory looks similar to the following:
│── components
│── i18n
├── models
├── navigators
├── screens
├── services
├── theme
├── utils
└── app.tsx
This is where your React components will live. Each component will have a directory containing the .tsx
file, along with a story file, and optionally .presets
, and .props
files for larger components. The app will come with some commonly used components like Button.
This is where your translations will live if you are using react-native-i18n
This is where your app's models will live. Each model has a directory which will contain the mobx-state-tree
model file, test file, and any other supporting files like actions, types, etc.
This is where your react-navigation
navigators will live.
This is where your screen components will live. A screen is a React component which will take up the entire screen and be part of the navigation hierarchy. Each screen will have a directory containing the .tsx
file, along with any assets or other helper files.
services Any services that interface with the outside world will live here (think REST APIs, Push Notifications, etc.).
theme Here lives the theme for your application, including spacing, colors, and typography.
utils This is a great place to put miscellaneous helpers and utilities. Things like date helpers, formatters, etc. are often found here. However, it should only be used for things that are truely shared across your application. If a helper or utility is only used by a specific component or model, consider co-locating your helper with that component or model.
app.tsx This is the entry point to your app. This is where you will find the main App component which renders the rest of the application.
The ignite
directory stores all things Ignite, including CLI and boilerplate items. Here you will find generators, plugins and examples to help you get started with React Native.
This is where your stories will be registered and where the Storybook configs will live.
This directory will hold your Jest configs and mocks, as well as your storyshots test file. This is a file that contains the snapshots of all your component storybooks.
From the command line in your generated app's root directory, enter yarn run storybook
This starts up the storybook server and opens a story navigator in your browser. With your app
running, choose Toggle Storybook from the developer menu to switch to Storybook; you can then
use the story navigator in your browser to change stories.
For Visual Studio Code users, there is a handy extension that makes it easy to load Storybook use cases into a running emulator via tapping on items in the editor sidebar. Install the React Native Storybook
extension by Orta
, hit cmd + shift + P
and select "Reconnect Storybook to VSCode". Expand the STORYBOOK section in the sidebar to see all use cases for components that have .story.tsx
files in their directories.
Read e2e setup instructions.