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PSNN server client

Lukáš Plevač edited this page Nov 24, 2019 · 1 revision

note: the server for PSNN models has its own repository

terminal app

The terminal app is part of psnn 0.1.2 and higher. It helps you find, download, or upload models.

usage: psnn [-h] [--server SERVER] [--model MODEL] [--download DOWNLOAD]
             [--of OF] [--upload UPLOAD] [--desc DESC] [--loss LOSS]
             [--name NAME] [--register] [--search SEARCH]

Terminal app for PSNN

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --server SERVER      set custom PSNN models server
  --model MODEL        show info about model (--model=PSNN/test)
  --download DOWNLOAD  download model (--download=PSNN/test)
  --of OF              output file for some actions (--of=/test/test.nn)
  --upload UPLOAD      upload model to server (--upload=/test/test.nn)
  --desc DESC          description of model for upload (--desc=this model do
  --loss LOSS          loss of model what you want upload (--loss=0.001)
  --name NAME          name of model what you want upload (--name=hello)
  --register           register user on server
  --search SEARCH      search for model with name like this (--search=test)

lib parts

part for server management is located in PSNN.server_tools. Below are its features. * __init__(self, model) - model is instance of model class

  • upload(self, user, password, model, name, description, loss) - model is instance of model class
  • getModelInfo(self, name) - get model info in json
  • register(self, name, password) - register new user on server
  • findModel(self, name) - search for model with name like param name

methods in model class

*get(modelID) - get model from models server (modelID example PSNN/mnsit)

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