Neovim plugin to make conventional commits directly on gitcommit file.
The commit type autocompletion follows Conventional Commits convention.
And I added a commit type for commits of merges, it's just 'merge'.
Just create a json file called 'git-scopes' with a list of your wanted scopes in your Git repo and the plugin will detect it.
If you doesn't want use scopes just omit the file, in Conventional Commits convention scopes are optional.
In CC. convention, you can indicate Breaking Changes with ! after commit type or commit scope. If you indicate BC. you have to explain them in the commit description, or in the footer with the word token 'BREAKING-CHANGES' or 'BREAKING CHANGES'.
So for remember you this I use nvim-notify nvim plugin to send you a notification.
- Add autocomplete to select commit type.
- Add autocomplete to select optional scope (hints idea drooped).
- Add functionality to send a notification when ! BC indicator is typed (hints idea drooped).