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A personal project about using a masked autoencoder ViT for anomaly detection.


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Low-Rank Adapted Masked Autoencoder for Anomaly Detection [WIP]


This repo is a personal project that I've been thinking about for a while. In anomaly detection, a popular method is to use generative models to model the normal data distribution. In particular, autoencoders can be used to learn compact latent representations of normal samples. An abnormal sample would cause a large reconstruction error, which can serve as an anomaly flag.

This model takes the same idea but uses a Visual Transformer (ViT) trained with the Masked Autoencoder (MAE) method. In MAE, random patches of the image are masked during training and the model learns to reconstruct them from context. Presented with images of defective objects, some patches will incur a large reconstruciton error, which indicates the presence of a potential anomaly.

One issue with this approach is that anomaly detection datasets are often small, while ViT models require large amounts of data to train. To address this, I propose to use a low-rank approximation of the ViT model, whereby the linear layers in the attention blocks are replaced by LoRA layers. This reduces the number of parameters in the model, making it easier to train with small datasets.

This is still work in progress and I will update this repo as I make progress.

Model development

The code here is based on the official PyTorch implementation of MAE with various adaptations made for anomaly detection and to implement LoRA. In particular, patch masking behaves differently during training and inference.

During training, masking is performed in the same way as in the original MAE, with a high masking ratio (75% of the patches are masked). Moreover, I have reduced regularisation significantly, removing any data augmentation and lowering weight decay. This is because anomaly detection assumes consistency in the data samples and their presentation, therefore we only need to learn from a relatively constrained data distribution.

During inference, masking is deterministic. Each image receives 4 different masks, each removing 25% of the image. The model reconstructs each masked image and the reconstruction error of the masked patches is averaged across the 4 masks. Another difference during inference is that the loss is calculated pixel-wise, then smoothed with a Gaussian filter of radius 4. This reduces the impact of small random reconstruction errors.

The inference process requires a number of patches per side that is divisible by the number of masks, in this case 4 ( but other values could be experimented with). This mandates a patch size p = img_size / patches_per_side, which cannot be equal to the original implementation where p = 16 and img_size = 224. Therefore, while the rest of the encoder starts with pretrained weights from ImageNet (provided by the MAE authors), the patch embedding layer is initialised with random weights.

During development, I noticed that the reconstruction was worse in patches that contained curves or more complex shapes. Therefore, I reduced the patch size further to p = 7, which means patches_per_side = 32. This improved reconstruction accuracy around such areas of the image, which helps defects stand out more.



  1. Clone the repo, create a virtual environment and install PyTorch:

    git clone
    cd mae-ad
    python3 -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate

then follow instructions.

  1. Install the requirements:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Test your installation:

    python3 -c "import torch; import timm; import loralib as lora; print(torch.__version__, timm.__version__, lora)"

    If you see the versions of the packages and the path to loralib, you're good to go.


The examples provided in this repo are based on the MVTec AD dataset (non-commercial licence). More specifically, I used the "capsule" subset. The training split contains only images of normal samples, while the test split contains both normal and defective samples with 5 types of defects (crack, poke, print, scratch, squeeze).

The data loader expects a per-class directory structure. Since we're not interested in classifying the defects, we only need 2 classes: good and bad. However, the file names within defect classes are the same, so we need to rename them to avoid conflicts (e.g., crack/000.png --> bad/crack_000.png).

The file util/ performs this renaming and reorganisation:

  • First, copy the MVTec folder of interest (e.g., capsule, transistor, etc.) to your data root.

  • Then run:

    python util/ --data_root <object_folder>  

where <object_root> is the root directory of the MVTec AD dataset for the object of interest. It might look like ../data/capsule/, for instance.

The resulting folder structure is as follows (the defect names are from the capsule subset and would be different for other objects):

├── train
│   ├── good
│   │   ├── 000.png
│   │   ├── 001.png
│   │   └── ...
└── test
    ├── good
    │   ├── 000.png
    │   ├── 001.png
    │   └── ...
    └── bad
        ├── crack_000.png
        ├── ...
        ├── poke_000.png
        ├── ...
        ├── print_000.png
        ├── ...
        ├── scratch_000.png
        ├── ...
        ├── squueze_000.png
        └── ...


To train the model, run with any relevant arguments. For example:

python --epochs 4000 --model mae_vit_large_patch7 --freeze_non_lora --blr 1e-2 \
  --norm_pix_loss --output_dir ../output_p7_ep4000 --log_dir ../output_p7_ep4000 --wandb_name p7_ep4000 \
  --pretrained ../checkpoints/mae_pretrain_vit_large.pth --pin_mem

Besides paths to the data and the outputs and logs, the default values should work in most cases. Here are the main ones you might want to play with:

Argument Description Type Default Remarks
--model Model name str mae_vit_large_patch7 Default model: 32x32 patches of size 7x7
--epochs Number of epochs int 4000
--batch_size Batch size per GPU int 32 Adjust according to your GPU.
--accum_iter Gradient accumulation int 1 Values > 1 increase the effective batch size
--freeze_non_lora Freeze non-Lora weights (flag) bool
--lora_rank LoRA rank int 4 Rank of the adaptation layers in Transformer
--weight_decay Weight decay factor float 0.001
--blr Learning rate float 5e-3 Effective LR is blr * eff. batch sz / 256
--pretrained Pretrained weights str None Path to a pretrained encoder (recommended, e.g., ../checkpoints/mae_pretrain_vit_large.pth)
--resume Resume training str None Path to a checkpoint (full autoencoder). Use to continue a previous training run.
--start_epoch Start epoch if resuming int 0 Only required with resume
--output_dir Output directory str ../output_test
--log_dir Log directory str ../output_test
--wandb_name Wandb run name str None If None, no Wandb logging
--num_workers Data loader workers int 4 Number of workers in the dataloader
--pin_mem Pin memory (flag) bool Can help with performance on some systems

These models need to train for a relatively long time. The loss decreases slowly but steadily. Since the dataset is small, many epochs are required. With 4000 epochs, training should take a few hours on a reasonably fast GPU if you set --num_workers and --pin_mem correctly.


[TODO: Write inference and evaluation code] Until this is done, you can play with the mae-ad_demo.ipynb notebook.


  • Write inference and evaluation code.


  author  = {Kaiming He and Xinlei Chen and Saining Xie and Yanghao Li and Piotr Doll{\'a}r and Ross Girshick},
  journal = {arXiv:2111.06377},
  title   = {Masked Autoencoders Are Scalable Vision Learners},
  year    = {2021},


Masked Autoencoder for Anomaly Detection by Luc Frachon is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0


A personal project about using a masked autoencoder ViT for anomaly detection.



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