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My personal RC files (zshrc, screenrc, vimrc, i3...)

This repository contains 4 Ansible roles:

  • gentoo: will install some useful gentoo tools and setup local repository
  • common: will install/configure command line tools
    • FZF
    • Spacemacs
    • Oh-My-ZSH and plugins
    • Screen, VIM, Bash, ZSH
    • Some aliases
    • Git config
    • Curl config
  • common-ui: will install/configure some UI (i3, polybar, splatmoji, gtk config, ...)
    • i3 + i3autotiling
    • Splatmoji
    • Polybar
    • Rofi theme (xresources)
    • GTK 2+3 config
    • Some fonts for Polybar
  • user: will setup more personnal things, like samba shares, install some python packages/gems, ...

Actual rcfiles are in roles/common/files/ and in roles/common-ui/files/.


git clone --recursive
vim host_vars/localhost.yml
echo '---' > host_vars/vault.yml # contains only my overrides

# To set everything for the user:
ansible-playbook deploy.yml --ask-vault-pass

# To setup gentoo config:
ansible-playbook gentoo.yml -K --ask-vault-pass

# Adapt to the sets you're interested in:
echo -e "@personal\n@personalLaptop\n@personalX11\n" | sudo tee -a /var/lib/portage/world_sets

NOTE : When running with minimal:true the script installs a minimal and lighter version, without oh my zsh, fzf, splamoji, and spacemacs and no UI config


Some screenshots of the features it sets up:

i3 and polybar setup

exa listing

vgrep and fzf setup
