Adding OCR To flameshot / How to copy text from videos / How to copy unselectable text / Screenshot OCR
How to add OCR fucntionality to flameshot, without needing to change the program at all. You can also use any other screenshot and clipboard program! Just replace xclip and/or flameshot with whatever you use.
Installing xclip, tesseract and tesseract's training data, then moving its training data to the appropriate location
note: you can check where you need to move the files by running tesseract
, the error will state where the files are missing. It will either be in /usr/share
or /usr/local
Install the appropriate packages:
sudo pacman -S tesseract xclip
Clone the training data:
Move the training data to tesseract:
sudo mv eng.traineddata /usr/share/tessdata/
Making a bash script to OCR a temporary flameshot image
Make a shell script in whatever location you chose, in this case I will be using ~/Documents/Scripts
nvim ~/Documents/Scripts/
Then paste the following code into it:
flameshot gui --accept-on-select --path /tmp/screenshot.png
if [ -f /tmp/screenshot.png ]; then
tesseract /tmp/screenshot.png /tmp/ocr_output
cat /tmp/ocr_output.txt | xclip -selection clipboard
rm /tmp/screenshot.png /tmp/ocr_output.txt
echo "Screenshot capture failed."
And finally, make the file executable by running
chmod +x
Making a hotkey for the script on KDE
Open Settings>System Settings>Keyboard>Shortcuts and click 'Add New', select 'Command or Script'.
And type the following command:
sh /home/Username/ScriptLocation
Replace Username and ScriptLocation with your local user and the location with the location of the script.
Click on 'Add custom shortcut' and add whatever key combination you want.
Click 'Apply'
You now have OCR with the press of a few buttons!