the development of this mod moved to GitLab
Each folder in this repo represents a single sub-project and generally is licensed through MIT (until further notice 😎). STHC and Telly Pole are based on ideas of a close friend but allowed me to publish it.
STHC intends to be a pretty simple set of 2 parts where the reciever-part goes to the linked prim-set (clothes/furniture/etc) and the sender-part goes to any prim which is designed to be a HUD.
This is designed to be a simple teleporter script where you can add SL-Landmarks to any prim (preferibly root if a linked set of prims) which will become teleport targets if anyone sits on the prim.
- currently sit is not implented yet, works only on touch
- fun-fact: also working if you add it as HUD (unintended by design but possibly useful)
This simple script lets people animate if they sit on any prim, must have anmiations in it, check the options by touching the prim.
- currently things might be buggy
- fine-tuning STHC
- Telly Pole non-owner teleport
- Telly Pole finetuning
- moah coffee!!!