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World Cube Association - Single Person View

The project name "wca-spv" is an abbreviation of "World Cube Association - Single Person View".


This project started when I wanted to determine the relative solve times for 2x2x2 - 7x7x7. The original thread around this topic can be found on the forum. To determine relative solve times, I needed a simple way to calculate vigintile rankings for the baseline event (i.e. rankings in 5% bands) and some way to correlate peoples times for different events. Since completing the original investigation the SQL scripts have been tidied up and a few extras have been added to create the WCA SPV.

The WCA SPV is essentially a single table containing one record for each person who has ever competed under the WCA. The results and rankings from the WCA database have been rolled up and pivoted to provide a summarised view for each person. The summary records contain a large number of "facts", summarizing peoples participation and performance in individual events as well as across all events. The main benefits of the summary table are to simplify common analytical queries and assist with queries correlating facts across multiple events. A number of example queries are shown later in this document, demonstrating how the SPV can be utilised.

I've drawn upon my experiences in the workplace where I have been involved in "Single Customer View" projects for a number of UK corporations. The WCA SPV is a lot simpler than a corporate Single Customer View but there are some common principles and themes. Wide tables with lots of columns may seem unusual at first but they can be really useful and effective. The number of people in the WCA is small enough for MySQL to cope with all of the competitors in a single wide table, even on modest hardware. A corporate SCV often contains information about 10's to 100's of millions of people and often requires terrabytes of storage, typically employing alternative database technologies (e.g. column-oriented DBMS). There are far less people in the WCA SPV!

These scripts have been tested on MySql 5.7.12 (OS X) and MySql (Windows 7). The build time is about 45 seconds on my Macbook Pro running MySQL 5.7.12.

Import the WCA database

If you've never imported the WCA database you can do so with the following command, substituting the database name and username:

mysql --database=MYSQL_DATABASE --user=MYSQL_USERNAME --password --execute="source WCA_export.sql" --default-character-set=utf8

Note: The above command will prompt for a password.

Build the SPV

  1. Edit build_all.bat (Windows) or (Linux / Mac), setting MYSQL_DATABASE and MYSQL_USERNAME to match your database.
  2. Run build_all.bat (Windows) or (Linux / Mac) and wait for it to run all of the SQL scripts. It'll probably take 45-90 seconds, depending on your hardware and the version of MySQL.

Example Queries

Note: The output from the example queries below related to the WCA export from 2016-08-17.


Countries ranked by their fastest 3x3x3 solver

SELECT      continentName, countryName, COUNT(*) AS numPersons,
            TRUNCATE(MIN(bestSingle333) / 100, 2) AS bestSingle333,
            TRUNCATE(MIN(bestAverage333) / 100, 2) AS bestAverage333
FROM        PersonsView
WHERE       bestAverage333 > 0
GROUP BY    continentName, countryName
ORDER BY    bestAverage333 ASC;
continentName countryName numPersons bestSingle333 bestAverage333
Oceania Australia 926 5.39 6.45
North America USA 10890 4.90 7.06
Asia Korea 954 4.94 7.06
Europe Poland 1817 5.81 7.13
Europe Netherlands 326 5.13 7.24
Europe United Kingdom 570 5.96 7.37
Europe Germany 1161 5.88 7.42
North America Canada 2069 5.72 7.47
Europe Spain 1148 6.55 7.56
Europe Russia 925 6.77 7.78

Countries ranked by their "average" 3x3x3 solver (i.e. ignoring top and bottom 5%)

Note: Restricted to countries with 10 or more persons being averaged

SELECT      continentName, countryName, COUNT(*) AS numPersons,
            TRUNCATE(AVG(bestSingle333) / 100, 2) AS averageSingle333,
            TRUNCATE(AVG(bestAverage333) / 100, 2) AS averageAverage333
FROM        PersonsView
WHERE       countryCentileAverage333 BETWEEN 6 AND 95
GROUP BY    continentName, countryName
HAVING      numPersons >= 10
ORDER BY    averageAverage333 ASC;
continentName countryName numPersons averageSingle333 averageAverage333
Asia Vietnam 452 18.82 22.34
Asia Taiwan 756 20.82 24.78
Asia Hong Kong 171 20.62 24.95
Europe Lithuania 25 21.86 25.26
Asia Philippines 1128 21.12 25.40
Asia Indonesia 1081 22.12 26.44
Asia Singapore 260 21.89 26.44
Asia Korea 859 22.31 26.62
Asia Thailand 301 22.52 26.91
Europe Czech Republic 120 22.67 27.23


Top 10 competitors who've competed the most times across all events

Note: numHours excludes MBLD + FMC

SELECT      countryName, name, numAttempt, numSuccess, numDns, numDnf,
            TRUNCATE(totTime / 100.0 / 3600, 0) AS numHours
FROM        PersonsView
ORDER BY    numAttempt DESC
LIMIT       10;
countryName name numAttempt numSuccess numDns numDnf numHours
Germany Sébastien Auroux 12073 11499 57 517 128
France François Courtès 10798 9827 55 916 142
Hungary Bence Barát 9184 8860 37 287 79
Germany Jan Bentlage 8965 8501 90 374 93
Netherlands Erik Akkersdijk 8610 7985 38 587 69
Netherlands Arnaud van Galen 7297 6857 24 416 90
Poland Wojciech Szatanowski 7048 6731 44 273 62
USA Tim Reynolds 6687 6320 22 345 56
Hungary Olivér Perge 6246 5747 23 476 59
Hungary Dániel Varga 6117 5917 9 191 61

Top 10 competitors with the highest percentage of DNF for 3x3x3

SELECT      countryName, name, numAttempt333, numDnf333,
            TRUNCATE(100.0 * numDnf333 / numAttempt333, 2) as pctDnf333
FROM        PersonsView
WHERE       numDnf333 >= 10
HAVING      pctDnf333 >= 10
ORDER BY    pctDnf333 DESC
LIMIT       10;
countryName name numAttempt333 numDnf333 pctDnf333
Chile Sebastián Pino Castillo 180 150 83.33
Australia Grace Middleton 15 10 66.66
China Haiyan Zhuang (庄海燕) 78 49 62.82
Hong Kong Wong Yat Loon 23 11 47.82
France Claude Arsicaud 70 14 20.00
Canada Isaiah Stairs 50 10 20.00
Canada Sarah Strong 562 95 16.90
China Yang Guan (关养) 78 12 15.38
Poland Krzysztof Szwarc 107 13 12.14
Canada Thomas Henderson 145 17 11.72


4x4x4 VS 3x3x3 (World)

SELECT      CEIL(worldCentileAverage444 / 5.0) * 5 AS vigintile, COUNT(*) AS numPersons,
            TRUNCATE(AVG(bestAverage444) / 100.0, 2) AS avg444,
            TRUNCATE(AVG(bestAverage333) / 100.0, 2) AS avg333,
            TRUNCATE(AVG(bestAverage444) / AVG(bestAverage333), 2) AS factor
FROM        PersonsView
WHERE       worldCentileAverage444 > 0
AND         worldCentileAverage333 > 0
GROUP BY    vigintile;
vigintile numPersons avg444 avg333 factor
5 594 39.76 10.05 3.95
10 592 46.87 11.56 4.05
15 595 51.12 12.48 4.09
20 589 54.76 13.19 4.14
25 592 58.24 13.85 4.20
30 589 61.57 14.41 4.27
35 592 65.08 14.93 4.35
40 592 68.64 15.67 4.38
45 592 72.32 15.94 4.53
50 591 76.12 16.44 4.62
55 587 80.09 17.22 4.64
60 587 84.39 17.90 4.71
65 591 89.14 18.47 4.82
70 585 94.80 19.20 4.93
75 593 101.16 20.13 5.02
80 584 108.57 21.00 5.17
85 587 117.90 22.22 5.30
90 583 131.37 24.04 5.46
95 579 153.00 26.84 5.69
100 559 212.63 34.69 6.12


Countries with the most world records

SELECT      continentName, countryName, COUNT(*) AS numPersons,
            SUM(numSingleWr) AS numSingleWr, SUM(numAverageWr) AS numAverageWr
FROM        PersonsView
GROUP BY    continentName, countryName
HAVING      numSingleWr + numAverageWr > 0
ORDER BY    numAverageWr DESC, numSingleWr DESC
LIMIT       10;
continentName countryName numPersons numSingleWr numAverageWr
North America USA 11624 75 71
Oceania Australia 970 41 47
Europe Poland 1979 43 46
Asia Japan 1123 32 41
Asia China 8048 32 30
Europe Netherlands 367 32 27
Europe Hungary 618 36 21
Europe Germany 1225 28 20
Europe Sweden 606 18 11
Europe France 1246 10 11

Competitors with the most world records

SELECT      countryName, name, numComp, numPodium, numSingleWr, numAverageWr
FROM        PersonsView
WHERE       numSingleWr + numAverageWr > 0
ORDER BY    numAverageWr DESC, numSingleWr DESC
LIMIT       10;
countryName name numComp numPodium numSingleWr numAverageWr
Australia Feliks Zemdegs 441 356 39 46
Netherlands Erik Akkersdijk 1404 827 18 15
Poland Michał Halczuk 621 299 9 11
Japan Shotaro Makisumi (牧角章太郎) 132 56 12 9
USA Kevin Hays 230 107 5 9
Hungary Mátyás Kuti 130 64 9 8
USA Dan Cohen 659 372 8 8
Finland Anssi Vanhala 151 121 5 8
Japan Yohei Oka (岡要平) 245 111 1 8
Belgium Lars Vandenbergh 956 181 6 7


World Cube Association - Single Person View







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