This repository is was created with education purpose. The content of the directory is based on shell command and a brief explanation.
Basic = contains a script of a basic shell command (more information in the inside the folder).
Shell permissions = contains scripts that changes the owner, group of file permissions.
I/O Redirections and filters = accomplished using a redirection operator which allows the user to specify the input or output data be redirected to (or from) a file.
Init files, variables and expansions:
(Expansion) each time we type a command line and press the enter key, bash perfoms several processes upon the text before it carries out our command.
(Varible) is a variable that is available only to the current shell. In contrast, an enciorment variable is available system wide and can be used by other aplication on the system.
(Init files) A shell initialization file is a shell script that runs automatically each time the shell executes. The initialization file sets up the "work enviorment" and "customizes" the shell enviorment for the user.
This resouces are from the folder basics:
Pushing commits to a remote repository
This resources are from the folder permissions:
How to change the owner of a file
Manage file permissiones on Unix-like systems
This resources are from the folder I/O redirections and filter:
How to Display Specific Lines of a File in Linux Command Line
This resources are from the folder init, variable and expansions:
Lizbeth Garcia Lebron (Creator)
Proyects from the week September 20, 2022 - September 23, 2022 (BASIC)
Proyects from the week September 26, 2022 - September 30, 2022 (Shell permissions, I/O Redirections and filters, Init files variables and expansions)