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Kyle Clemens edited this page Jun 29, 2013 · 10 revisions

Fantasy Commands

Fantasy commands are commands that are sent as messages to the channel that a bot is residing in. They must be preceded by the fantasy character set in the config (see Configuration). The list below assumes . as the fantasy character.

Command Description Permission level
.players Lists the players currently online. If VanishNoPacket is installed, vanished players are excluded. all
.kick [name] (reason) Kicks the specified name from Minecraft. The reason is optional. mods

Privmsg Commands

Privmsg commands are commands sent as messages to the bot itself.

Command Description Permission level
privmsg [recipient] [message] Sends a PRIVMSG to the recipient. Useful for registering for NickServ, etc. Recipient can be a channel, as well. admins
raw [line] Sends a raw IRC line to the server. Don't use unless you know what you're doing. admins
message [player] [message] Sends a private message to a player on the server. all
join [channel] Joins a channel. admins
part [channel] Parts a channel. admins
command [command] Sends a command to the Minecraft server. admins
authenticate [key] Uses a key to escalate a mod to admin permission level. mods
deauthenticate Deauthenticates an escalated mod back to mod permission level. mods

Minecraft Commands

These commands can be executed in Minecraft.

Command Aliases Description Permission
/royalirc /rirc Reloads the config. royalirc.royalirc
/ircmessage [server] [user] [message] /im Sends a private message to a user in IRC. royalirc.ircmessage
/irckick [server] [channel] [user] (reason) /ik Kicks a user in IRC (bot must have op). royalirc.irckick
/ircrestartbots /irb Restarts all IRC bots. royalirc.ircrestartbots
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