Hack For Change 2012: LiveSign is an application to allow users to create legally binding electronic signatures on propositions for California.
- Proposition Page
- title
- description
- creator
- number of signatures
- User information (sign up info)
- email address
- phone number
- street address
- city
- state
- zipcode
- name
- accept TOS
- Signature
- HTML5 canvas (http://thomasjbradley.ca/lab/signature-pad/)
- erase signature
- save signature
- export image
- Video
- video recording (http://tokbox.com)
- count down
- video timer
- text prompt
- export video
- Sharing:
- Contact book => SMS Messages (http://twilio.com)
- Log In/Sign up:
- log in page
- Email sent to authorize account and provide password
- Settings page (password, address, name, privacy)
- Proposition Creation:
- Title
- Description
- Category?
- Proposition Export:
- Export signatures as PDF documents
- Home page
- Featured propositions
- log in
- sign up