a ros package for lidar motion compensation
This ros package uses odom transform data to correct motion distortion of a 2D LIDAR in real time。
in this picture, the yellow rectangle represents the pose of robot, the red poindcloud represents the origin lidar data, and the white pointcloud represents the lidar data after compensation.
名称 | 类型 | 注释 |
scan_sub_topic | string | 订阅的激光数据话题名 |
scan_pub_topic | string | 经过运动畸变矫正后发布的激光数据话题名 |
enable_pub_pointcloud | bool | 是否将校正后的数据重新封装为LaserScan消息发布 |
pointcloud_pub_topic | bool | 经过运动畸变矫正重新封装LaserScan消息话题名 |
lidar_frame | string | 激光雷达数据的坐标系 |
odom_frame | string | Odometry数据的坐标系 |
lidar_scan_time_gain | double | 激光雷达单次扫描时间系数(正常情况下是1.0,但是有些激光雷达的驱动包在计算scan_time时有问题,所以这里乘一个系数) |
- compile the project and
source devel/setup.sh
- execute the following command
roslaunch lidar_undistortion_2d test_lidar_undistortion_2d.launch enable_undistortion:=true
- find
rosbag play --clock --pause sensor_data.bag
remind: '--pause' is essential. otherwise it may lead to error.
- result
the gif showed below represents location with orign lidar data.
the gif showed below represents location with undistortion lidar data.