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This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 3, 2023. It is now read-only.

Security: LittleTealeaf/JavaMarkdown


Security Policy

Supported Versions

This project is under a "rolling release" cycle, meaning that there will be weekly releases containing all of that previous week's updates. For that reason, the only supported version for security purposes will be the latest version.

It's suggested to use dependabot's auto-updating (verification that this actually works needed) feature to keep your version up to date.

Large security updates regarding our code, as well as large milestones, will be made in a minor version. Small development increments or automatic updates (such as patches for dependencies) will be made in patch releases.

Reporting a Vulnerability

If there's a vulnerability, please make an issue to let us know. Depending on the state of the project (and who's still working on it), we will try and make sure to patch that vulnerability as soon as we can.

If you have a patch available, please still make an issue and indicate that you are working on a patch so we and other contributors can see you are working on it and help out as needed

There aren’t any published security advisories