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thtrieu committed Aug 16, 2016
0 parents commit c58a060
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Showing 17 changed files with 2,174 additions and 0 deletions.
151 changes: 151 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
from Drawer import *
import cPickle as pickle
from copy import deepcopy
import subprocess
mult = 1.

def shuffle(train_path, file, expectC, S, batch, epoch):
with open(file,'rb') as f:
pick, data = pickle.load(f)
C = len(pick)
if C != expectC:
exit("There is a mismatch between the model and the parsed annotations")
size = len(data)
print 'Dataset of total {}'.format(size)
batch_per_epoch = int(size / batch)

for i in range(epoch):
print 'EPOCH {}'.format(i+1)
# Shuffle data
shuffle_idx = np.random.permutation(np.arange(size))
for b in range(batch_per_epoch):
for r in range(1):
start_idx = b * batch
end_idx = (b+1) * batch

datum = list()
x_batch = list()
jpgs = list()
# if True:
for j in range(start_idx,end_idx):
real_idx = shuffle_idx[j]
this = data[real_idx]
jpg = this[0]
w, h, allobj_ = this[1]
allobj = deepcopy(allobj_)
flip = (r / 2) + (r % 2) * (j % 2)
flip = flip % 2

path = '{}{}'.format(train_path, jpg)
img, allobj = crop(path, allobj)

if flip == 1:
img = img[:,:,::-1,:]

img = [img]
jpgs += [path]

cellx = 1. * w / S
celly = 1. * h / S
for x in allobj:
# cv2.rectangle(img[0], (x[1], x[2]), (x[3], x[4]), (0,0,255), 2)
centerx = .5*(x[1]+x[3]) #xmin, xmax
centery = .5*(x[2]+x[4]) #ymin, ymax
if flip == 1:
centerx = w - centerx
cx = centerx / cellx
cy = centery / celly
x[3] = float(x[3]-x[1]) / w
x[4] = float(x[4]-x[2]) / h
x[3] = np.sqrt(x[3])
x[4] = np.sqrt(x[4])
x[1] = cx - np.floor(cx)
x[2] = cy - np.floor(cy)
x += [np.floor(cx)]
x += [np.floor(cy)]

if False:
for x in allobj:
cx = x[5] + x[1]
cy = x[6] + x[2]
centerx = cx * cellx
centery = cy * celly
ww = x[3] * x[3] * w
hh = x[4] * x[4] * h
(int(centerx - ww/2), int(centery - hh/2)),
(int(centerx + ww/2), int(centery + hh/2)),
(0,0,255), 2)

cv2.imshow("result", im)

probs = np.zeros([S*S,C])
confs = np.zeros([S*S,2])
coord = np.zeros([S*S,2,4])
proid = np.zeros([S*S,C])
conid = np.zeros([S*S,2])
cooid1 = cooid2 = np.zeros([S*S,1,4])
prear = np.zeros([S*S,4])
for x in allobj:
at = int(x[6] * S + x[5])
probs[at, :] = [0.] * C
probs[at, pick.index(x[0])] = 1.
proid[at, :] = [1] * C
coord[at, 0, :] = x[1:5]
coord[at, 1, :] = x[1:5]
prear[at,0] = x[1] - x[3]**2 * 3.5 # xleft
prear[at,1] = x[2] - x[4]**2 * 3.5 # yup
prear[at,2] = x[1] + x[3]**2 * 3.5 # xright
prear[at,3] = x[2] + x[4]**2 * 3.5 # ybot
confs[at, :] = [1.] * 2
conid[at, :] = [1.] * 2
cooid1[at, 0, :] = [1.] * 4
cooid2[at, 0, :] = [1.] * 4
upleft = np.expand_dims(prear[:,0:2], 1) # 49 x 1
botright = np.expand_dims(prear[:,2:4], 1)
probs = probs.reshape([-1]) # true_class
confs1 = confs[:,0]
confs2 = confs[:,1]
coord = coord.reshape([-1]) # true_coo
upleft = np.concatenate([upleft]*2,1)
botright = np.concatenate([botright]*2,1)
proid = proid.reshape([-1]) # class_idtf
conid1 = conid[:,0]
conid2 = conid[:,1]
cooid1 = cooid1
cooid2 = cooid2
new = [
[probs], [confs1], [confs2], [coord],
[upleft], [botright],
[proid], [conid1], [conid2], [cooid1], [cooid2]
if datum == list():
datum = new
x_batch = img
x_batch += img
for i in range(len(datum)):
datum[i] = np.concatenate([datum[i], new[i]])

if False:
here = 0
names = list()
while here + C < S*S*C:
consider = probs[here:here+C]
if (np.sum(consider) > 0.5):
names += [pick[np.argmax(consider)]]
here += C
print '{} : {}'.format(jpg, names)

x_batch = np.concatenate(x_batch, 0)
yield (x_batch, datum)
print 'Random scale/translate sends object(s) out of bound'
130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
from box import *
from PIL import Image, ImageFile
import cv2

def fix(x,c):
return max(min(x,c),0)

def crop(imPath, allobj = None):

im = cv2.imread(imPath)
if allobj is not None:
h, w, _ = im.shape
scale = np.random.uniform()/3. + 1.
max_offx = (scale-1.) * w
max_offy = (scale-1.) * h
offx = int(np.random.uniform() * max_offx)
offy = int(np.random.uniform() * max_offy)
im = cv2.resize(im, (0,0), fx = scale, fy = scale)
im = im[offy : (offy + h), offx : (offx + w)]
# (x,y) --> (scale*x, scale*y)
# (scale*x - offx, scale*y - offy)
for obj in allobj:
obj[1] = int(obj[1]*scale-offx)
obj[3] = int(obj[3]*scale-offx)
obj[2] = int(obj[2]*scale-offy)
obj[4] = int(obj[4]*scale-offy)
obj[1] = fix(obj[1], w)
obj[3] = fix(obj[3], w)
obj[2] = fix(obj[2], h)
obj[4] = fix(obj[4], h)
#print obj, w, h

# return im
im_ = cv2.resize(im, (448, 448))
image_array = np.array(im_)
image_array = image_array / 255.
image_array = image_array * 2. - 1.
image_array = np.expand_dims(image_array, 0) # 1, height, width, 3

if allobj is not None:
return image_array, allobj
return image_array

def to_color(indx, base):
base2 = base * base
b = indx / base2
r = (indx % base2) / base
g = (indx % base2) % base
return (b * 127, r * 127, g * 127)

def draw_predictions(predictions,
img_path, flip, threshold,
C, S, labels, colors):

B = 2
boxes = []
SS = S * S # number of grid cells
prob_size = SS * C # class probabilities
conf_size = SS * B # confidences for each grid cell
probs = predictions[0 : prob_size]
confs = predictions[prob_size : (prob_size + conf_size)]
cords = predictions[(prob_size + conf_size) : ]
probs = probs.reshape([SS, C])
confs = confs.reshape([SS, B])
cords = cords.reshape([SS, B, 4])

for grid in range(SS):
for b in range(B):
new_box = BoundBox(C)
new_box.c = confs[grid, b]
new_box.x = (cords[grid, b, 0] + grid % S) / S
new_box.y = (cords[grid, b, 1] + grid // S) / S
new_box.w = cords[grid, b, 2] ** 2
new_box.h = cords[grid, b, 3] ** 2 = '{}-{}'.format(grid, b)
for c in range(C):
new_box.probs[c] = new_box.c * probs[grid, c]

# non max suppress boxes
if True:
for c in range(C):
for i in range(len(boxes)): boxes[i].class_num = c
boxes = sorted(boxes, cmp=prob_compare)
for i in range(len(boxes)):
boxi = boxes[i]
if boxi.probs[c] == 0: continue
for j in range(i + 1, len(boxes)):
boxj = boxes[j]
boxij = box_intersection(boxi, boxj)
boxja = boxj.w * boxj.h
apart = boxij / boxja
if apart >= .5:
if boxi.probs[c] > boxj.probs[c]:
boxes[j].probs[c] = 0.
boxes[i].probs[c] = 0.

imgcv = cv2.imread(img_path)
if flip: imgcv = cv2.flip(imgcv, 1)
print img_path
h, w, _ = imgcv.shape
for b in boxes:
max_indx = np.argmax(b.probs)
max_prob = b.probs[max_indx]
label = 'object' * int(C < 2)
label += labels[max_indx] * int(C > 1)
if (max_prob > threshold):
left = int ((b.x - b.w/2.) * w)
right = int ((b.x + b.w/2.) * w)
top = int ((b.y - b.h/2.) * h)
bot = int ((b.y + b.h/2.) * h)
if left < 0 : left = 0
if right > w - 1: right = w - 1
if top < 0 : top = 0
if bot > h - 1: bot = h - 1
(left, top), (right, bot),
colors[max_indx], 2)
mess = '{}:{:.3f}'.format(label, max_prob)
cv2.putText(imgcv, mess, (left, top - 10),
0, 1e-3 * h, colors[max_indx])

img_name = 'results/{}'.format(
cv2.imwrite(img_name + flip * '_' + '.jpg', imgcv)

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