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SSHing into the Raspberry Pi

Brian Haro edited this page Jan 1, 2021 · 4 revisions


SHH is used to connect to our Raspberry Pi. We need to find the IP of our Raspberry Pi before we can SSH into it; this can be done with command line tools or through our routers gateway. Once we know the IP we can connect to our Raspberry Pi.


Finding IP using arp

  1. In your terminal (Command Prompt or PowerShell) use the arp command with the -g flag to list all the devices IP's on your network. Make note of all the connected devices for the next step.

  1. Connect your raspberry pi to power and wait for it to connect to the network. After waiting a bit, run the arp -g command again and find the newest entry. That new entry should be your Raspberry Pi; note the IP address assigned to the Raspberry Pi.

Finding IP using your Routers Gateway

  1. Plug your Raspberry Pi into power so it can connect to the network.

  2. Navigate to your routers Gateway by using the routers IP. The routers IP can be found on the router it self or you can google it. From there you will find a login screen or login prompt. If this is your first time logging into your gateway, 99 out of a 100 times, the login credentials would be admin for the username and password for the password.

  1. One your are logged into your gateway navigate to your devices listing.

  1. Locate the device named raspberrypi and take note of it's IP address.

SSH command line tool

  1. Open a terminal (Command Prompt or PowerShell)

  2. Run the following command with the IP you found to start the connection; ssh -p 22 pi@rpi-ip-here. When prompted with a password type raspberry. Please note that no output will show when you are typing, this is normal.

Boom you are now logged in!