SAT solver based on rho-backdoors.
- For ECAI-2024 related code, please refer to the
branch. - For SAT Competition 2024 related code, please refer to the
git clone --recurse-submodules -j4
cd backdoor-solver
cargo check --workspace --lib --bins --tests
Do not forget to update submodules every time you switch branches!
git submodule update --init --recursive --progress
Below, you can find instructions on how to use different components provided in this repository, for example, SAT solver and backdoor searcher.
SAT solver that interleaves CaDiCaL with clauses derivation procedures utilizing rho-backdoors.
Usage: interleave [OPTIONS] --backdoor-size <INT> --num-iters <INT> --max-product <INT> --budget-filter <INT> --budget-solve <INT> <CNF>
<CNF> Input file with CNF in DIMACS format
-o, --output <FILE>
Path to output file in DIMACS format. If the problem is SAT, contains two lines: "s SATISFIABLE\nv 1 2 ... 0\n", else contains a single line: "s UNSATISFIABLE" or "s INDET"
--results <FILE>
Path to a file with results
--seed <INT>
Random seed [default: 42]
--backdoor-size <INT>
Backdoor size
--num-iters <INT>
Number of EA iterations
--stagnation-limit <INT>
Number of stagnated iterations before re-initialization
Do ban variables used in the best backdoors on previous runs?
Reset banned used variables on empty product
--allow <INT...>
Comma-separated list of allowed variables (1-based indices)
--ban <INT...>
Comma-separated list of banned variables (1-based indices)
Derive ternary clauses
--max-product <INT>
Maximum product size
Use novel sorted filtering method
--num-conflicts <INT>
Number of conflicts (budget per task in filtering) [default: 1000]
--budget-filter <INT>
Initial budget (in conflicts) for filtering
--factor-budget-filter <FLOAT>
Multiplicative factor for filtering budget [default: 1]
--budget-solve <INT>
Initial budget (in conflicts) for solving
--factor-budget-solve <FLOAT>
Multiplicative factor for solving budget [default: 1]
--budget-presolve <INT>
Budget (in conflicts) for pre-solve [default: 0]
Do compute cores for easy tasks and invalid cubes
Do add lemmas from cores
--max-core-size <MAX_CORE_SIZE>
Maximum core size to be added (0 = unlimited) [default: 0]
--cadical-options <CADICAL_OPTIONS>
Comma-separated list of Cadical options ('key=value' pairs, e.g. 'elim=0,ilb=0,check=1')
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version
cargo run --release --bin interleave -- data/mult/lec_CvK_12x12.cnf --backdoor-size 10 --num-iters 10000 --ban-used --max-product 10000 --budget-filter 10000 --factor-budget-filter 1.1 --budget-solve 100000 --factor-budget-solve 1.1 --budget-presolve 10000 --output out.txt
Evolutionary algorithm for searching rho-backdoors for a given SAT formula.
Usage: search [OPTIONS] --backdoor-size <INT> --num-iters <INT> <CNF>
<CNF> Input file with CNF in DIMACS format
--backdoor-size <INT> Backdoor size
--num-iters <INT> Number of EA iterations
--num-runs <INT> Number of EA runs [default: 1]
-o, --output <FILE> Path to a output file with backdoors
--seed <INT> Random seed [default: 42]
--allow <INT...> Comma-separated list of allowed variables (1-based indices)
--ban <INT...> Comma-separated list of banned variables (1-based indices)
--ban-used Do ban variables used in best backdoors on previous runs?
--stagnation-limit <INT> Number of stagnated iterations before re-initialization
--max-rho <FLOAT> Maximum required rho value (break EA upon reaching) [default: 1]
--min-iter <INT> Minimum number of EA iterations [default: 0]
--dump-records Do dump records for each EA run?
--derive Do derive clauses from backdoors?
--dump-derived Do dump derived clauses after each EA run?
--probe Do probe the backdoor variables?
--probe-derive Do try to probe-derive all units and binary clauses?
--derive-ternary Derive ternary clauses
--budget-presolve <INT> Budget (in conflicts) for pre-solve [default: 0]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Search for 3 backdoors, each of size 10, using 1000 iterations of EA and the random seed 42 (default):
cargo run --release --bin search -- data/mult/lec_CvK_12.cnf --backdoor-size 10 --num-iters 1000 --num-runs 3 --seed 42 --output output.txt
might look like:
Backdoor [4242, 4919, 2082, 1920, 4969, 5082, 4903, 2163, 2154, 4071] of size 10 on iter 829 with fitness = 0.029296875, rho = 0.970703125, hard = 30 in 120.671 ms
Backdoor [5089, 3989, 3375, 4265, 2163, 4273, 2648, 4158, 2082, 3133] of size 10 on iter 935 with fitness = 0.009765625, rho = 0.990234375, hard = 10 in 99.219 ms
Backdoor [4022, 4034, 4475, 4383, 2606, 4902, 1895, 960, 3538, 2471] of size 10 on iter 884 with fitness = 0.013671875, rho = 0.986328125, hard = 14 in 70.435 ms
Note: variables in the reported backdoors (in file/console) are 1-based.